Help to translate simple VBA code to Python
Alexandr N Zamaraev
tonal at
Mon Feb 11 01:15:34 EST 2008
I use Bentley MicroStation through Automation interface.
But I do not known how translate some VBA code to Python.
For example ("Copy Element Example" from documentation):
'The following code starts the command
Sub RunCopyElement()
CommandState.StartLocate New clsCopyElementCommand
End Sub
'This following code must be in a class that implements
ILocateCommandEvents. In this example, it is in the class
Implements ILocateCommandEvents
' This is called when the user enters a data point after the
' LocateFilter has accepted an element
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Accept(ByVal Element As Element, Point
As Point3d, ByVal View As View)
'skip function body
End Sub
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Cleanup()
End Sub
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Dynamics(Point As Point3d, ByVal View
As View, ByVal DrawMode As MsdDrawingMode)
'skip function body
End Sub
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFailed()
'skip function body
End Sub
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFilter(ByVal Element As Element,
Point As Point3d, Accepted As Boolean)
'skip function body
End Sub
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateReset()
'skip function body
End Sub
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Start()
'skip function body
End Sub
Also sample using interface ILocateCommandEvents:
All interface derived from IDiapach.
How to realize in Python without external DLL?
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