Why chdir command doesn't work with client.get_transport() ?
Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com
Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com
Wed Feb 6 08:04:41 EST 2008
charles_hans at yahoo.com
Sent by: cc
python.org Subject
Re: Why chdir command doesn't work with
05/02/2008 19:39 client.get_transport() ?
> Thank you, Matt, for your valuable advice! I did try using ';' to issue
> commands at once and it works!
> However, I have more problems with issuing ClearCase commands, which is
> I am really doing.
> Under telnet, I could issue commands one by one, just as typing at the
> command prompt. Now I tried to use ';' manually typing two commands at
> on my Solaris command line, such as
> ct setview viewName; cd dir_in_clearcase
> (ct = cleartool) The second command will not be executed, since the
> prompt changes after the first command. --- I think that it was because
> there was a long delay after the first command. (any way out?)
I'm not familiar with cleartool - could it be that the first command you
are using is invoking an application that is not returning to the command
line?, for example, if you were telnetted in and doing the same would you
literally type
$>ct setview viewName
$>cd /some/where
or does the session look more like
$>ct setview viewName
_new_ct_prompt> exit
$>cd /some/where
If that is the case, it mightbe possible to direct ct to get it's input
from a file
ct setview viewName < exitfile; cd /some/where
and exitfile has the word 'exit' in it.
just an idea though. may not work.
> When I used exec_command() to do this in Python, even the first command
> not recognized (error: bad phone number. I used 'man ct' and found that
> dials a phone number). Even if 'ct' was recognized, the second command
> not be executed. And it is useless to do it in the next exec_command()
> function. (Without the first command, one can not cd into a directory in
> ClearCase.)
I'm a bit confused here. - Do you have an application called 'ct' (from
previous paragraph, it appears you do. But if you are issuing 'ct' via
python and getting 'bad phone number'??) Can you explain the bigger
picture a bit more, and what ClearCase is?
Why do you say 'Even if ct was recognized, the second command would not be
executed' - if ct was recognised and returns to the command line prompt I
would fully expect the second command to execute.
> Do you think that paramiko can replace telnet in my application? Thanks.
I think it would be taking it a bit far if you are just trying to automate
something unless you really have to run on a remote machine. Then either
telnet or paramiko should work. You could also maybe look at using python
to invoke rsh/rexec processes if telnet was suitable in the first place.
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