Double underscores -- ugly?

benhoyt benhoyt at
Tue Feb 19 21:17:45 EST 2008

> My editor actually renders [underscores] as miniature chess pieces.
> The bartender said she runs a pre-execution step, that searches and
> replaces a double-colon with the underscores.

Heh, that makes me think. Great use for character encodings! Just like
Tim Hatch's "pybraces", we could use any character combo we liked and
just implement a character encoding for it. See:

Just kidding.

Seriously, though, I give in. There's no perfect solution, and it's
probably just a matter of getting over it. Though I wouldn't mind
Raymond Hettinger's suggestion of using single underscores as in
_init_. Only half as ugly. :-)

Then again, what's stopping us just using a single leading underscore?
Nobody calls their own private methods _init or _add ... and that's
only 1/4 the ugliness, which is getting pretty good.


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