Why chdir command doesn't work with client.get_transport() ?
Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com
Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com
Wed Feb 6 09:39:55 EST 2008
> I try not to top-post in this group, but the strange formatting of the
> message makes this advisable, as I am sure many people won't even
> persist in reading down as far as the "content".
> Can I make a wild-assed guess that you are a Lotus Notes user reading
> python-list? Please try and find a way of not barfing these awful
> headers out with your post (perhaps you could use a newsgroup reader and
> access the gmane servers?).
> It really does make it difficult to focus on what you say when there are
> twenty-odd lines of badly-formatted heading information at the start of
> each message.
> regards
> Steve
What amuses me (honestly, it does make me chuckle) is people can put up
with a bunch of text like that as a reply on the list (and including
previous disclaimers, which I've been slapped-wrist on here for before
now), yet complain about a bit of odd formatting at the top of a message
with real content.
However I do understand where your coming from. You are right, I'm a Lotus
Notes user. If I didn't have to use it I wouldn't. If I had access to the
list from where I currently work any other way I would use that. I am aware
people dont enjoy spurious details like disclaimers and Note's headers in
I forgot to remove the Notes header at the top for that last post, I do
apologise for any inconvenience. I did remove the previous disclaimers
though, so you only got two that time. Ohwell, everyone makes mistakes :)
Matt. (Apologies for the disclaimers etc...)
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