pop langs website ranking

Joost Diepenmaat joost at zeekat.nl
Mon Feb 11 07:43:38 EST 2008

"xahlee at gmail.com" <xahlee at gmail.com> writes:

> Questions:
> • paulgraham.com is unusually high. What's up with that?

He writes well. Also, if you look at the ranking, end of januari (Arc's
first release) was the highest ranking in 4 months. I'm surprised it
didn't score higher, actually.

> • python.org at 9k seems also unusally high, compare that perl.org
> with online doc and forum is only 26k. Python.org has mailing list
> archives... maybe blogs too but am not sure it has forums... still the
> gab seems surprising. Even perl is not much talked about these days,
> but i'm guessing its market share is at least still 10 or 100 times of
> python...

Perl has a remarkably fractured web-presence. Have you looked at
perl.org? The *only* thing that's really useful on that domain is

Since python.org apparenly also contains an index to 3rd party
libraries, you may want to compare it to cpan.org (currently at 9,199)
for instance.

Joost Diepenmaat | blog: http://joost.zeekat.nl/ | work: http://zeekat.nl/

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