Chinese character error
Mark Tolonen
mark.e.tolonen at
Fri Feb 8 21:00:37 EST 2008
"Chris" <cwitts at> wrote in message
news:0d61dcee-5102-4d35-9b74-9538335d33ca at
> On Feb 8, 11:29 am, John Deas <john.d... at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I made a small script to recursively copy files from a directory tree
>> to an exportDir only if they have an mp3 extension :
>> a=os.walk(os.getcwd())
>> for root, dirs, files in a:
>> for currFile in files:
>> pathCurrFile=os.path.join(root, currFile)
>> if
>> shutil.copy(pathCurrFile,exportDir)
>> else:
>> print pathCurrFile
>> The problem is that I get stuck with files containing name in
>> Chinese :
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/vku/Mes documents/Ma
>> musique/iTunes/i
>> Tunes Music/", line 21, in <module>
>> shutil.copy(pathCurrFile,exportDir)
>> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 80, in copy
>> copyfile(src, dst)
>> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 46, in copyfile
>> fsrc = open(src, 'rb')
>> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/cygdrive/c/Documents
>> and Setting
>> s/vku/Mes documents/Ma musique/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts/Learn
>> Chinese - Chin
>> esePod/785 Advanced - ????.mp3'
>> I am using python on cygwin, so could this be the source of the error,
>> and is there a way to fix this ?
> It has to do with the way the OS reports the filename. Explorers GUI
> diplays it as square blocks and both CmdPrompt + Cygwin display it as
> Question marks as does the os.listdir in Python. Copying Chinese
> Characters and checking their Ordinal Values directly from python gave
> me for eg. 230+188+162 for 1 Chinese Charater yet Python shows it is
> Ordinal 63 (a Question Mark) after reading the filename.
> Those files you will need to manually copy, I even tried
> find /cygdrive/d/Temp/ -name "*.mp3" -exec cp {} /cygdrive/d/Temp/
> test/ \;
> which yielded
> cp: cannot stat '/cygdrive/d/Temp/??.mp3': No such file or directory
If you call os.walk() with a Unicode string, it's return values will be
Unicode as well and you should be able to process files with non-ASCII
characters. This worked for me (on Windows):
import os
import shutil
import fnmatch
exportDir = u'c:\\mp3s'
a=os.walk(os.getcwdu()) # Unicode version of os.getcwd()
for root, dirs, files in a:
for currFile in files:
pathCurrFile=os.path.join(root, currFile)
if fnmatch.fnmatch(pathCurrFile,u'*.mp3'):
print pathCurrFile
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