Cannot understand error message
cwitts at
Wed Feb 13 13:53:53 EST 2008
On Feb 13, 7:29 pm, "Bill Davy" <B... at> wrote:
> The following code produces an error message (using Idle with Py 2.4 and
> 2.5). "There's an error in your program: EOL while scanning single-quoted
> string". It comes just after "s = ''" (put there to try and isolate the
> broken string).
> It would be good if the error message pointed me to the start of said single
> quoted string.
> The colouring in IDLE does not indicate a bad string.
> Puzzled.
> Bill
> #
> # The traceback module is used to provide a stack trace to
> # show the user where the error occured. See Error().
> #
> import traceback
> #
> # The math module is used to convert numbers between the Python real format
> # and the Keil real format. See KeilToFloatingPoint() and FloatingToKeil().
> #
> import math
> LOAD_LIT = 1
> LOAD_REG = 1
> ADD_LIT_FP = 2 + 8
> ADD_LIT_INT = 2 + 16
> ADD_REG_FP = 2 + 32
> SUB_LIT_FP = 11
> SUB_LIT_INT = 12
> SUB_REG_FP = 13
> MUL_LIT_FP = 11
> MUL_LIT_INT = 12
> MUL_REG_FP = 13
> DIV_LIT_FP = 11
> DIV_LIT_INT = 12
> DIV_REG_FP = 13
> AND_LIT_INT = 12
> OR_LIT_INT = 12
> OR_REG_INT =14
> NEGATE_FP = 11
> BinaryOps={
> "LOAD":{float:{"L":LOAD_LIT,"R":LOAD_REG},int:{"L":LOAD_LIT,"R":LOAD_REG}},
> "STORE":{float:{"R":STORE_REG},int:{"R":STORE_REG}},
> "ADD":{float:{"L":ADD_LIT_FP,"R":ADD_REG_FP},int:{"L":ADD_LIT_INT,"R":ADD_REG_INT}},
> "SUB":{float:{"L":SUB_LIT_FP,"R":SUB_REG_FP},int:{"L":SUB_LIT_INT,"R":SUB_REG_INT}},
> "MUL":{float:{"L":MUL_LIT_FP,"R":MUL_REG_FP},int:{"L":MUL_LIT_INT,"R":MUL_REG_INT}},
> "DIV":{float:{"L":DIV_LIT_FP,"R":DIV_REG_FP},int:{"L":DIV_LIT_INT,"R":DIV_REG_INT}},
> "AND":{int:{"L":AND_LIT_INT,"R":AND_REG_INT}},
> "OR":{int:{"L":OR_LIT_INT,"R":OR_REG_INT}}
> }
> UnaryOps={
> }
> JumpOps={
> }
> def IsOpCode(s):
> if ( s in BinaryOps ): return True;
> if ( s in UnaryOps ): return True;
> if ( s in JumpOps ): return True;
> return False
> class Register:
> """
> This class provides us with a register (say) 0..32
> In addtion to a number, a register can be given a name.
> It allows LOAD(arg) and other opcodes to distinguish between
> references to a register and a literal value.
> """
> def __init__(self,Id,Name=None):
> self.Number = Id
> if ( Name == None):
> self.Name = "R%d" % Id
> else:
> self.Name = Name
> def RegisterNumber(self):
> return self.Number
> def RegisterName(self):
> return self.Name
> R0=Register(0)
> R1=Register(1)
> R2=Register(2)
> Now=Register(2,"Now")
> def IsRegister(arg):
> return hasattr( arg, "RegisterNumber")
> assert not IsRegister(0)
> assert not IsRegister(1.2)
> assert IsRegister(R1)
> assert IsRegister(Now)
> #
> # ErrorCount is global as it is shared by all slaves.
> #
> ErrorCount = 0
> def Error(Message):
> """
> work back through the traceback until you find a function whose name is
> in one of the
> opcode dictionaries and trace back from there. This will keep internal
> implemenataion functions private but still allow the suer to define
> functions
> that generate code.
> """
> global ErrorCount
> ErrorCount += 1
> """
> [
> ('<string>', 1, '?', None),
> ('C:\\Python24\\lib\\idlelib\\', 90, 'main', 'ret = method(*args,
> **kwargs)'),
> ('C:\\Python24\\lib\\idlelib\\', 283, 'runcode', 'exec code in
> self.locals'),
> ('H:\\Husky Experiments\\Viper1\\', 434, '?', 'STORE(1)'),
> ('H:\\Husky Experiments\\Viper1\\', 147, 'STORE',
> 'self.BINOP("STORE",Arg,Msg)'),
> ('H:\\Husky Experiments\\Viper1\\', 198, 'BINOP', 'return
> Error("Cannot perform %s on %s" % (Op,Arg))'),
> ('H:\\Husky Experiments\\Viper1\\', 106, 'Error', 'tb =
> traceback.extract_stack()')
> ]
> """
> tb = traceback.extract_stack()
> BeforePrinting = True
> IsPrinting = False
> for i in range(len(tb)-1,0,-1):
> frame = tb[i]
> if ( BeforePrinting ):
> # Looking to start
> if IsOpCode(frame[2]): # start printing
> IsPrinting = True
> BeforePrinting = False
> print "John: %s\nTrace back follows:" % Message
> elif ( IsPrinting ):
> print '\tFile "%s", line %u, %s' % (frame[0], frame[1],
> frame[3])
> # Stop when we find the curious function "?"
> if (frame[2] == "?"):
> break
> if BeforePrinting:
> print "John: %s (no trace back)" % Message
> class Slave:
> "This is a slave class"
> Listing = ""
> Number = 0
> Mode = 0; # Will be int or float when defined
> def __init__(self,Id):
> self.Number = Id
> self.Line = 0
> #
> # The listing, built as we go along
> #
> self.Listing = ""
> self.Mode = None
> def SetMode(self, arg):
> self.Mode = arg
> def LOAD(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("LOAD",Arg,Msg)
> def STORE(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("STORE",Arg,Msg)
> def ADD(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("ADD",Arg,Msg)
> def SUB(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("SUB",Arg,Msg)
> def MUL(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("MUL",Arg,Msg)
> def DIV(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("DIV",Arg,Msg)
> def AND(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.BINOP("AND",Arg,Msg)
> def OR(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> selfBINOPOP("OR",Arg,Msg)
> def NEGATE(self,Msg=""):
> self.UNOP("NEGATE",Msg)
> def ABSOLUTE(self,Msg=""):
> self.UNOP("ABSOLUTE",Msg)
> def INVERT(self,Msg=""):
> self.UNOP("INVERT",Msg)
> def JUMP(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JUMP",Arg,Msg)
> def JLT(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JLT",Arg,Msg)
> def JGT(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JGT",Arg,Msg)
> def JLE(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JLE",Arg,Msg)
> def JGE(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JGE",Arg,Msg)
> def JEQ(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JEQ",Arg,Msg)
> def JNE(self,Arg,Msg=""):
> self.JUMPOP("JNE",Arg,Msg)
> def BINOP(self,Op,Arg,Msg):
> entry = BinaryOps.get(Op)
> assert entry != None, "Who gave me %s to look up?" % op
> entry = entry.get(self.Mode)
> if entry == None :
> return Error("Cannot perform %s on %s, mode=%s" % (
> Op,Arg,self.Mode))
> if ( IsRegister(Arg) ):
> ot = entry.get("R") # Register
> if ot == None:
> return Error("Cannot perform %s on %s" % (Op,Arg))
> self.Listing += "%x \t \t%s\t%s\t# %s\n" % (
> len(self.Memory), Op,Arg.RegisterName(), Msg)
> self.Memory.append(ot)
> self.Memory.append(Arg.RegisterNumber())
> else:
> ot = entry.get("L") # Literal
> if ot == None:
> return Error("Cannot perform %s on %s" % (Op,Arg))
> self.Listing += "%x \t \t%s\t%s\t# %s\n" % (
> len(self.Memory), Op, Arg, Msg)
> self.Memory.append(ot)
> cArg = self.Mode(Arg)
> if self.Mode == int:
> try:
> iArg = int(Arg)
> except TypeError:
> return Error("Argument %r is not an integer" % Arg)
> except:
> return Error("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
> if ( iArg != Arg ):
> return Error("Argument %r is not an integer" % Arg)
> self.Memory.append((iArg >> 24) & 0xFF)
> self.Memory.append((iArg >> 16) & 0xFF)
> self.Memory.append((iArg >> 8) & 0xFF)
> self.Memory.append((iArg >> 0) & 0xFF)
> elif self.Mode == float:
> try:
> fArg = float(Arg)
> except TypeError:
> return Error("Argument %r is not a float" % Arg)
> except:
> return Error("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
> if ( fArg != Arg ):
> return Error("Argument %r is not a float" % Arg)
> FourBytes = FloatingToKeil(fArg)
> self.Memory.append(FourBytes[0])
> self.Memory.append(FourBytes[1])
> self.Memory.append(FourBytes[2])
> self.Memory.append(FourBytes[3])
> else:
> return Error("No or bad mode (%r)set for slave %u" % (
> self.Mode,self.SlaveNumber))
> def JUMPOP(self,Op,Name,Msg):
> entry = JumpOps.get(Op)
> assert entry != None, "Who gave me %s to look up?" % op
> """
> Generate code for a jump to the given target
> May enter target into the table.
> """
> self.Listing += "%x \t \t%s\t%s\t# %s\n" % (
> len(self.Memory),Op,Name, Msg)
> self.Memory.append(entry)
> self.AddReference(Name,len(self.Memory)) # for patching up later
> self.Memory.append(0) # Space for destination of jump
> #
> # The memory image of this Slave.
> #
> Memory = []
> def ListProgram(self):
> """Generate a user friendly listing of the program for this Slave.
> """"
> s = ''
> print "%s" % self.Number
> print "%s\n" % ("#" * 64)
> print "%s" % self.Listing
> pass
> def EmitProgram(self):
> """Emit a C code data structure of the program for this Slave.
> """
> s=\
> "%s\n/* C data structure for slave %d */\n"\
> "struct\n"\
> "\t{\n"\
> "\tunsigned SlaveId;\n"\
> "\tunsigned nBytes;\n"\
> "\tunsigned char[%d];\n"\
> "\t} Slave%d=\n"\
> "\t{%u,%u\n"\
> "\t{\n\t"\
> % ('#'*64, self.Number, len(self.Memory), self.Number, self.Number,
> len(self.Memory))
> for i in range(0,len(self.Memory)):
> if (i>0) : s+= ", "
> s += "0x%x" % (self.Memory[i])
> if ( (i % 16) == 15 ):
> s += '\n\t'
> s+="\n\t}\n\t};\n"
> print s;
> #
> # Dictionary of Labels
> # Maps Name onto (Set of Locations, List of references))
> # Users define a label using Label(Name)
> # Users reference a label using Jump(Name)
> #
> LabelTable = {}
> def AddReference(self,Name,Reference):
> """
> Add a reference to the given Name.
> Name may not yet be defined
> """
> Entry = self.LabelTable.get(Name)
> if ( Entry == None ):
> self.LabelTable[Name] = [ [] , [Reference] ]
> else:
> Entry[1].append(Reference)
> def AddDefinition(self,Name,Location):
> """
> Add a definition to the given Name.
> Name may not yet be defined.
> If it is defined, it may not be given a different Location.
> """
> Entry = self.LabelTable.get(Name)
> if ( Entry == None ):
> # Add location to a new name
> self.LabelTable[Name] = [ [Location] , [] ]
> elif len(Entry[0]) == 0:
> # Provide an initial location for a known name
> Entry[0].append(Location)
> elif Entry[0].count(Location) == 1:
> # The same location, harmless but odd
> pass
> else:
> # This is an additional definition but that does not matter
> # unless it is used and we find that out when we call
> FixUpLabels()
> # at the end.
> Entry[0].append(Location)
> def Label(self, Name, Msg=""):
> """
> Lays down a label for the user.
> """
> self.AddDefinition(Name,len(self.Memory))
> self.Listing += "%x \t%s: \t \t \t# %s\n" % (len(self.Memory), Name,
> Msg)
> def EmitLabelTable(self):
> print "%s\nSymbol table for Slave %u" % ('#' * 64, self.Number)
> for Name in self.LabelTable.keys():
> s = "Name=%s" % Name
> entry = self.LabelTable[Name]
> if ( len(entry[0])==1 and len(entry[1]) == 0):
> s += ", is not referenced"
> if ( len(entry[0])==0 and len(entry[1]) > 0):
> s += ", is not defined"
> if ( len(entry[0])>1 and len(entry[1]) > 0):
> s += ", is multiply-defined"
> if ( len(entry[0]) > 0):
> s += ", Location:"
> for i in entry[0]:
> s += " %x" % i
> if ( len(entry[1]) > 0 ):
> s += ", references:"
> for i in range(0,len(entry[1])):
> s += " %x" % entry[1][i]
> print s
> def FixUpLabels(self):
> print "%s\nFixing labels for Slave %u" % ('#' * 64, self.Number)
> for Name in self.LabelTable.keys():
> entry = self.LabelTable[Name]
> if ( len(entry[0])==1 and len(entry[1]) == 0):
> print "Warning: %s is not referenced" % Name
> elif ( len(entry[0])==0 and len(entry[1]) > 0):
> Error("%s is not defined" % Name)
> elif ( len(entry[0])>1 and len(entry[1]) > 0):
> Error("%s is multiply-defined" % Name)
> else:
> for i in range(0,len(entry[1])):
> self.Memory[entry[1][i]] = entry[0][0]
> #
> # Construct a vector of Slaves
> #
> S=[(Slave(i)) for i in range(6)]
> def SetSlave(New):
> """
> Make global functions generate code for a specified slave.
> """
> #
> # This sets the mode for the assembler and applies in the order of
> # assembly, not in the execution order. The mode is embedded in the
> opcode.
> #
> global SetMode
> SetMode = S[New].SetMode
> #
> # Labels are local to a slave.
> #
> global Label
> Label = S[New].Label;
> LOAD = S[New].LOAD
> JUMP = S[New].JUMP
> LOAD = S[New].LOAD
> ADD = S[New].ADD
> SUB = S[New].SUB
> MUL = S[New].MUL
> DIV = S[New].DIV
> AND = S[New].AND
> OR = S[New].OR
> JUMP = S[New].JUMP
> JLT = S[New].JLT
> JGT = S[New].JGT
> JLE = S[New].JLE
> JGE = S[New].JGE
> JEQ = S[New].JEQ
> JNE = S[New].JNE
> print "hi"
> SetSlave(1)
> SetMode(int)
> LOAD(4,"Into S1 hopefully")
> Label("Loop")
> LOAD(R1,"Comment")
> JUMP("Loop")
> LOAD(Now)
> JUMP("Loop")
> STORE(1)
> Label("Loop")
> class TemporaryLabelClass:
> DefaultBaseName = "TL_"
> Instances = {DefaultBaseName:0}
> def __init__(self, BaseName=None):
> de = self.Instances.get(BaseName)
> if de == None:
> self.Instances[BaseName] = 0 # new temporary BaseName
> else:
> self.Instances[BaseName] += 1 # using an existing BaseName again
> self.BaseName = BaseName;
> def Instance(self):
> return self.Instances[self.BaseName]
> def TemporaryLabel(BaseName=None):
> t = TemporaryLabelClass(BaseName)
> if ( BaseName == None ):
> BaseName = t.DefaultBaseName
> elif ( BaseName == t.DefaultBaseName):
> return Error("Do not call TemporaryLabel(%s)" % t.DefaultBaseName)
> return "%s%u" % (BaseName,t.Instance())
> a = TemporaryLabel()
> b = TemporaryLabel("MY")
> c = TemporaryLabel()
> d = TemporaryLabel("MY")
> e = TemporaryLabel()
> f = TemporaryLabel("TL_")
> del a, b, c, d, e, f
> def BusyIdleLoop(Time, Register):
> label = TemporaryLabel()
> LOAD(Now)
> ADD(Time)
> STORE(Register)
> Label(label)
> LOAD(Now)
> SUB(Register)
> JLT(label)
> BusyIdleLoop(5000,R0)
> S[1].FixUpLabels()
> S[1].EmitProgram()
> S[1].EmitLabelTable()
> S[1].ListProgram()
> def KeilToFloatingPoint(Bytes):
> #print Bytes
> temp = ((((((Bytes[0]<<8)+Bytes[1])<<8)+Bytes[2])<<8)+Bytes[3])
> if ( temp == 0):
> return 0.0
> Mantissa = 0x800000 + (temp&0x7fffff)
> if ( temp & 0x80000000 ):
> Mantissa = -Mantissa
> temp -= 0x80000000
> Exponent = (0xFF & (temp>>23)) - 127;
> Mantissa = float(Mantissa) / (1<<23)
> #print "Mantissa=%f" % Mantissa
> #print "Exponent=%x" % Exponent
> return math.ldexp(Mantissa, Exponent)
> def FloatingToKeil(arg):
> """
> The flooating point format used by Keil follows
> the IEEE-754 standard
> The fields are (from MSB to LSB, and first byte to last):
> S (one bit) 1 is posirtive, 0 is negative
> E (eight bits) Exponent + 127
> M (23 bits) The twenty four bit (MSB omitted) mantissa
> """
> Mantissa, Exponent = math.frexp( arg )
> Mantissa *= 2
> Exponent -= 1
> if ( Mantissa >= 0 ):
> if ( Exponent == 0 ):
> return (0,0,0,0)
> S = 0
> else:
> S = 1
> Mantissa = -Mantissa
> Mantissa *= (1<<23)
> Mantissa = int(Mantissa + 0.5) # round
> if ( Mantissa >> 24 ):
> # Renormalise
> Mantissa >>= 1
> Exponent += 1
> assert ( (Mantissa >> 24) == 0)
> Mantissa -= (1<<23) # Remove the "assumed" 1 before the binary point
> assert ( (Mantissa >> 23) == 0 )
> Exponent += 127
> if ( Exponent < 0 ):
> # Number is too small to represent; call it zero
> FourBytes = 0,0,0,0
> temp = KeilToFloatingPoint(FourBytes)
> print "Truncating %r to %r" % (arg, temp)
> elif ( Exponent > 0xFF):
> # Number is too big to represent; make the maximum with the right
> sign
> FourBytes = (S<<7)+0x7F,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF
> temp = KeilToFloatingPoint(FourBytes)
> print "Truncating %r to %r" % (arg, temp)
> else:
> temp = (S<<31) + (Exponent<<23) + Mantissa
> FourBytes = ((temp>>24),0xFF&(temp>>16),0xFF&(temp>>8),0xFF&(temp))
> temp = KeilToFloatingPoint(FourBytes)
> return FourBytes
> FloatingToKeil(-12.5)
> FloatingToKeil(-1e-200) ## should become zero
> FloatingToKeil(-1e+200) ## should saturate
> FloatingToKeil(math.ldexp((1<<24)-1,-24)) ## Exact conversion
> FloatingToKeil(math.ldexp((1<<25)-1,-25)) ## Should make renormalise happen
> print "Byeee"
Just before s = '' you have 4 double quotes to close to doc-string
instead of 3.
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