How to tell if I'm being run from a shell or a module
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Thu Feb 14 17:06:43 EST 2008
En Thu, 14 Feb 2008 19:09:10 -0200, < at>
> Thanks for the replies, but it's not what I meant. What I want to be
> able to determine is whether or not the user is running from an
> interactive shell (like IPython or IDLE). Checking if
> __name__=='__main__' checks if the current module is the one being
> run, but suppose you have two modules A and B, with the function f
> defined in module B that should print 'Interactive' or 'Module' say.
> The module A just consists of: import B; B.f(). Now whenever f is
> called, __name__ will not be '__main__' for it. Someone using IDLE
> could write import B then B.f() too. The question is: is there a way
> for f to determine if someone was using an interactive shell to call
> it or if it was being called some other way. The way I came up with
> works in these limited cases but won't work in a more general
> situation (but perhaps there is no way for it to know in the more
> general situation).
It depends on what you mean by "an interactive shell"? If you start your
script with:
python -i
is it an interactive shell or not?
I tried these two criteria:
a) See if the __main__ module has a __file__ attribute.
b) See if sys.stdin is a real tty
These are the results I got on Windows for several configurations:
import sys
print "__main__ has __file__", hasattr(sys.modules['__main__'], '__file__')
import os
print "sys.stdin is a tty", hasattr(sys.stdin, "fileno") and
__main__ has __file__ True
sys.stdin is a tty True
python -i
__main__ has __file__ True
sys.stdin is a tty True
python <nul >nul
__main__ has __file__ True
sys.stdin is a tty True
python <emptyfile >nul
__main__ has __file__ True
sys.stdin is a tty False
pythonw.exe (the consoleless Python executable for Windows)
__main__ has __file__ True
sys.stdin is a tty False
__main__ has __file__ False
sys.stdin is a tty False
__main__ has __file__ False
sys.stdin is a tty False
Gabriel Genellina
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