Problem with Image: Opening a file
Graham Dumpleton
Graham.Dumpleton at
Mon Feb 4 17:43:33 EST 2008
On Feb 4, 6:51 pm, mcl < at> wrote:
> I am obviously doing something stupid or not understanding the
> difference between HTML file references and python script file
> references.
> I am trying to create a thumbnail of an existing .jpg file. It is in
> the directory 'temp', which is below my script
> I can display the file with <img>, but does not see it.
> I think it is probably a path problem, but I have tried '/temp/
> fred.jpg' and './temp/fred.jpg'
> Can anyone help, please
> PS I am usingmod_pythonon a Linux Apache 2 and python 2.5
> CODE =================================================
> import os
> import StringIO
> def index(req):
> main(req)
> def writeHTMLHeader(req):
> req.content_type = "text/html"
> req.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//
> EN" "">')
> req.write('<html xmlns="" lang="en"
> xml:lang="en">')
> req.write('<head><title>My Tests: Python</title></head>')
> req.write('<body>')
> def writeHTMLTrailer(req):
> req.write('</body>')
> req.write('</html>')
> def writelineHTML(req, htmlMSG):
> req.write(htmlMSG + '<BR>\n')
> def createThumb(req, infile, maxwidth, maxheight):
> import Image
> import os
> infile = "temp/fred.jpg"
> outfile = "temp/fred_th.jpg"
> if infile != outfile:
> writelineHTML(req, "Opening %s" % str(infile))
> writelineHTML(req, '<img src="%s"></img>' % infile) # Finds
> File OK ***********************
> im =
> #
> ERRORS on the same file *********************
> im.thumbnail((maxwidth,maxheight),Image.ANTIALIAS)
>, "JPEG")
> writelineHTML(req, "Created: " + str(outfile))
> writelineHTML(req, '<img src="%s"></img>' % outfile)
> return outfile
> return ""
> def showThumbnail(req, picture):
> myThumb = createThumb(req, picture, 60, 60)
> if myThumb:
> writelineHTML(req, '<img src="%s></img>' % myThumb)
> else:
> writelineHTML(req, "Thumb %s Not Created" % myThumb)
> def main(req):
> writeHTMLHeader(req)
> picture = "temp/fred.jpg"
> showThumbnail(req, picture)
> writeHTMLTrailer(req)
> ERROR ==============================================
> File "/home/mcl/htdocs/timslists/", line 33, in
> createThumb
> im =
> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PIL/", line 1888, in
> open
> fp =, "rb")
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'temp/fred.jpg'
> Richard
Code under mod_python will typically run as Apache user. This means
that when writing files the location you use must be writable to the
Apache user. Do note though that the working directory of Apache is
not guaranteed and you must always use an absolute path to the
location you are saving files, you cannot reliably use relative paths
like you are.
BTW, do you perhaps mean '/tmp/fred.jpg'? There is no '/temp'
directory on Linux boxes.
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