Word document accessing using python
Reedick, Andrew
jr9445 at ATT.COM
Wed Feb 13 10:37:47 EST 2008
> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-list-bounces+jr9445=att.com at python.org [mailto:python-
> list-bounces+jr9445=att.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Hari
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:40 AM
> To: python-list at python.org
> Subject: Word document accessing using python
> Hello,
> I want to fetch some data from the work document and to fill it inside
> excel sheet. For this I want to perform opening word documents and do
> some string manipulations for extracting data and to fill it inside
> excel sheet.
> Can any one help in this by saying how to do this or by giving some
> link where I can find some hints.
Google for sample scripts. Check the python documentation about
"Quick-Starts to Python and COM' and makepy.py.
Word Object Model Reference:
import win32com.client
word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
word.Visible = True
doc = word.Documents(1)
tables = doc.Tables
for table in tables:
for row in table.Rows:
for cell in row.Cells:
Excel reference: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb149081.aspx
import win32com.client
import os
excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application", "Quit")
excel.Visible = 1
dir = os.getcwd()
book = excel.Workbooks.Open(dir + "/test.xls")
sheet = book.Worksheets(1)
for i in sheet.Range("A8:B9"):
print i
print("active chart = " + str(excel.ActiveChart))
print("active sheet= " + str(excel.ActiveSheet))
print("\t" + str(excel.ActiveSheet.Name))
print("active workbook = " + str(excel.ActiveWorkbook))
print("\t" + str(excel.ActiveWorkbook.Name))
new_sheet = excel.Sheets.Add(None, None, None,
new_sheet.Name = "foo"
## import from a csv file
query_results = new_sheet.QueryTables.Add("TEXT;" + dir + "\\data.csv",
query_results.TextFileParseType = win32com.client.constants.xlDelimited;
query_results.TextFileCommaDelimiter = 1;
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