Dynamic method parameter access?

Dennis Kempin dennis at xardias.net
Thu Feb 14 14:00:35 EST 2008

Chris schrieb:
> On Feb 12, 9:38 pm, Dennis Kempin <den... at xardias.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a set of some objects. With these objects I want to call a Python
>> method. But the writer of the method shall have the option to select
>> from these objects as method parameter.
>> At the moment i use the following way to call a method with the a or b
>> or both parameter.
>> try:
>>      method(a=value)
>> except TypeError:
>>      try:
>>          method(b=value)
>>      except TypeError:
>>         method(a=value, b=value)
>> This is getting really complex the more optional parameters I want to
>> provide.
>> Is there any other way to access the method parameter?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Dennis
> Instead of having set variable names, why not pass a dictionary ?

well of course it is possible that way. but it is not that.. "nice".
I have a really a big bunch of functions that can access about 10 
at the moment i am using this alternative:

def method(paramA, paramB, paramC, **unused):

and the method is called via method(**params)

> def method(**kwargs):
>     print kwargs
> method(a='test1')
> {'a': 'test1'}
> method(a='test1', b='test2')
> {'a': 'test1', 'b': 'test2'}
> You can unpack the args once you are in your method to determine what
> you need to do.
that is the problem.. the most methods have only about 2-3 lines, it 
would get annoying when you always have to unpack the values..


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