[2.4.2/Linux] Getting Python to fork?

Jon Ribbens jon+usenet at unequivocal.co.uk
Mon Feb 4 11:46:06 EST 2008

On 2008-02-04, Rolf van de Krol <python at rolfvandekrol.nl> wrote:
> To create a deamon, you indeed need to fork two times. For more 
> information and a working example see: 
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/278731 . I'm 
> quite sure this works, because I used it several times to create a deamon.

That doesn't mean it works. That just means it hasn't failed while
you were watching.

(Not that I am saying it's necessarily wrong, I'm just saying that
"it worked when I tried it" is a very bad way of deciding if something
is correct code.)

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