validate string is valid maths
Matthew_WARREN at
Matthew_WARREN at
Mon Jan 28 10:10:54 EST 2008
Hi pythoners.
I am generating strings of length n, randomly from the symbols
What would be the 'sensible' way of transforming the string, for example
changing '3++++++8' into 3+8
or '3++--*-9' into '3+-9' such that eval(string) will always return a
in cases where multiple symbols conflict in meaning (as '3++--*-9' the
earliest valid symbols in the sequence should be preserved
so for example,
'3++*/-9' = 3+-9
'45--/**/+7' = 45-+7
'55/-**+-6**' = 55/-6
...that is, unless there is a canonical method for doing this that does
something else instead..
this sounds like homework. It's not. I like making problems up and it's a
slow work day. So, as an aside, there is no real reason I want to do this,
nor other problem to solve, nor other background to what I'm trying to
achieve ;) other than twiddling with python.
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