Fwd: small problem with re.sub
Sergio Correia
sergio.correia at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 22:38:55 EST 2008
See this:
(the Search and Replace part)
You are referring to the group as "(?P=id)", when you should be using
On Jan 30, 2008 10:01 PM, Astan Chee <stanc at al.com.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a html text stored as a string. Now I want to go through this
> string and find all 6 digit numbers and make links from them.
> Im using re.sub and for some reason its not picking up the previously
> matched condition. Am I doing something wrong? This is what my code
> looks like:
> htmlStr = re.sub('(?P<id>\d{6})','<a
> href=\"http://linky.com/(?P=id).html\">(?P=id)</a>',htmlStr)
> It seems that it replaces it alright, but it replaces it literally. Am I
> not escaping certain characters?
> Thanks again for the help.
> Cheers
> Animal Logic
> http://www.animallogic.com
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