January 2008 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Jan 1 00:06:53 EST 2008
Ending: Thu Jan 31 23:06:36 EST 2008
Messages: 4246
- Bizarre behavior with mutable default arguments
- usage of file separator
devnew at gmail.com
- M I-5'Per secution ' the BB C, televis ion an d rad io
imvmifvm at gmail.com
- M-I,5`Persecu tion ` buggi ng an d counter-surveillan ce
mimvev at gmail.com
- File Info
Navid Parvini
- M'I-5 Persecutio n , Capita l R adio - Chri s Tarran t
vimfefv at gmail.com
- M-I,5.Perse cution - cost of the operati on
vfmevm at gmail.com
- Fashion Footwear Industrial Co.,Ltd(Fujian,CHINA)
ec21i at hotmail.com
- M,I-5,Persecu tion w ho kn ows abou t it?
vivfvfifi at gmail.com
- M-I,5`Persecution ` B ernard Levin expre sses hi s vie ws
eieimemiv at gmail.com
- M I-5'Per secution Be rnard Levi n ex presses hi s views
mfefe at gmail.com
- Cheat sheet
Riccardo T.
- WXPython - Using inline images
Vlastimil Brom
- Push to Make (Single Pole) Button running a loop
- at what complexity, a comparison fails ?
Stef Mientki
- parallel processing in standard library
Konrad Hinsen
- Python Trajectory Module?
Stef Mientki
- Simple server using asyncore/asynchat
- os.tmpfile()
jyoung79 at kc.rr.com
- using Tix.FileSelectBox in python
devnew at gmail.com
- Using pexpect with cgi
vinoj davis
- Problem with parsing email message with extraneous MIMEinformation
Steven Allport
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
John Machin
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
John Machin
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
John Machin
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
Piet van Oostrum
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
John Machin
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- different encodings for unicode() and u''.encode(), bug?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- M'I-5,Persecution , h arassment at work
eievemiei at lycos.com
- Logging Help
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
- Skill Resume Achievements, What Good Goes Here?
- Pickle problem
Daniel Cuschieri
- database query - logic question
Israel Carr
- Python-list Digest, Vol 52, Issue 19
Jair Trejo
- Python CGI - Presenting a zip file to user
- A problem of twisted and dbus
huisan.wang at gmail.com
- ide for shedskin python to c compiler
Eric_Dexter at msn.com
- How To Yell At Employees
bs866806 at 163.com
- sending commands in body of HTTP with urllib2
Astan Chee
- PyInstaller: Need some hints (perhaps a good example?)
Thin Myrna
- shelve and nested dictionaries
Matthew Schibler
- sexi girl
secretquiet.423 at gmail.com
- PyObject_CallObject code dump after calling 4 times
- Trying to build python2.5.msi
Beema shafreen
- how to use bool
jimgardener at gmail.com
- NetSpeed
Sunil Ghai
- [OT] How is AI implemented
Martin Marcher
- PyOpenGL, wxPython weird behaviour
Adeola Bannis
- urllib timeout hole - long timeout if site doesn't send headers.
John Nagle
- How is AI implemented
kyosohma at gmail.com
- lucas ares
- Im back...
Sam Garson
- i want to share my secrets with u.........
aquorang at yahoo.com
- Resetting Signal Mask
Thomas Guettler
- Jython: Honourable mention on Charles Nutter's blog.
- import zlib in 2.5 fails
- Why python says "unexpected parameter 'mini.py'" for my code?
- adding class functionality, nested scoping
jholg at gmx.de
- how to connect to a remote machine using python........
vinoj davis
- storing setup.py (for py2exe) in other directory than main script directory
- Scales question
Eduardo Matus
- relax
theokok2000 at gmail.com
- pexpect - not printing more than 80 columns
Maximilian N. Andrews
- Details about pythons set implementation
Achim Domma
- What's the limit of variables size in pyhton?
Artur M. Piwko
- PyGTK, libglade, and signal_autoconnect
rocco.rossi at gmail.com
- matplotlib fill command on axes plot problem
- :::> A Powerful, Safe and Economical Alternative to VIAGRA <:::
kimsmith005 at googlemail.com
- opensg or openscenegraph
- TextWrangler and new Python version (Mac)
- Multiple Bullets
katie smith
- mail
- Request for loading zipped modules in some context
Kay Schluehr
- hello world
sazali2 at gmail.com
- Welcome to my webside that provides help in English Study for Chinese..
nonamehuang at yahoo.com.cn
- ANN: nächstes Treffen von pyCologne am 9.1.2008 18:30 Uhr
Christopher Arndt
- Python web aps - A matter of security
lloyd at paisite.com
- MySQLdb and compatibility with vista 64 bits
- Taskbar/System Tray
Sam Garson
- **********ssssssssssssssex with needsssssssssssss**
vadivel59 at gmail.com
- Cost of "unicode(s)" where s is Unicode
John Nagle
- Fwd: Delete lines containing a specific word
Francesco Pietra
- Unexpected __metaclass__ method behavior
Bruno Desthuilliers
- jonathan ballet?
marion battentier
- Python In VS
James Matthews
- whats wrong with this
mpho raborife
- Python setup not working on Windows XP
- Launching a wx GUI from within our python framework
bg_ie at yahoo.com
- Strip lines from files
Francesco Pietra
- PostgreSQL with Python
Sunil Ghai
- PostgreSQL Conference East: Call for Papers
jd at commandprompt.com
- Any interest in an SQS alternative???
- Tutorials at PyCon 2008 (US)
Greg Lindstrom
- windows service
Michael Chesterton
- Python Help
Donald Bozeman
- ctypes and 3rd party dll
hkimball at eti-web.com
- User Group
George Maggessy
- web service between python and c#
- Python modules - how to create & which are better
- COM server and EXE
- Want a strange XML RPC server
Laszlo Nagy
- Intranet Project - Rad Or Waterfall?
bs866806 at 163.com
- Hot clips,great clips:
bullism2 at gmail.com
- Peer To Peer File Sharing...
Dom Rout
- ZSI and .NET
Joseph Bernhardt
- Javascript parser
Christof Hoeke
- ANN: matplotlib-0.91.2 - a python graphics package
jdh2358 at gmail.com
- Spring Python 0.3.2 is release!
- Help wanted with GTK+ program
Hollaburoo at gmail.com
- Pyflakes pre-commit hook in subversion
mobiledreamers at gmail.com
- user friendly datetime features
Daniel Fetchinson
- site promotion
justin.evans2 at us.army.mil
- Default location of python on OS X
- pipes python cgi and gnupg
- Congratulations to the CPython Developers on an outstanding codebase
- hkimball's question on ctypes
- Tracking colors
dongie.agnir at gmail.com
- Strange problem: MySQL and python logging using two separate cursors
Frank Aune
- Multi form CGI examples?
- how to get string printed by PyErr_Print( )?
- Problem in the program flow...please help?
jatin patni
- problem building simple package with extensions in Windows, but not OS X
Brian Blais
- packaging questions
Brian Blais
- subprocess.Popen spawning cmd shells
- Re(Thanks...Re: Problem in the program flow...please help?)
jatin patni
- Problem in importing modules using py2exe
jatin patni
- getting absolute path ?
Stef Mientki
- mysqldb SELECT COUNT reurns 1
- Python in work/study context (futuristic, fw: from physics list)
kirby.urner at gmail.com
- PyGILState_Release produces a seg fault
- FindWindowById returns None..... ?
- Why my program (using pexpect to switch user) doesn't work well?
- Import of cStringIO failing with "undefined symbol: PyObject_SelfIter" on python-2.3.3-88.9
- Rebuild list of objects with redundancies on objects' attribute
Nico Grubert
- Do you know mirror repository of PyUMLGraph, what do you thinks about this tools ?
KLEIN Stéphane
- SQLObject 0.7.10
Oleg Broytmann
- SQLObject 0.8.7
Oleg Broytmann
- importing module conflict
Matias Surdi
- SQLObject 0.9.3
Oleg Broytmann
- New Tk look (aka Ttk or Tile widgets)
Robert Hicks
- Import module conflict
jatin patni
- PIL rotate : Rotate By Shear / Paeth Rotation?
- subprocess "handle is invalid" error
Daniel Serodio
- XML+Logs to Latex. XSLT?
Florencio Cano
- Pythonic cats (and dogs?)
- outgoing traffic monitor
- Wrap Tk widget using a class
Kevin Walzer
- Fwd: Python-list Digest, Vol 52, Issue 128
Adrian Wood
- Win32+Cygwin+ActiveState Python+SCons
- doctest.testfile universal newline -- only when module_relative=True?
Peter Donis
- Best way to merge/sort two sorted lists?...
Paul Rubin
- Minimalistic Software Transactional Memory
Paul Rubin
- Why Python.exe is breaking with memory dump??
- how to deliver an application
- Property with Arguments
- ftplib question (cannot open data connection)
Laszlo Nagy
- Define installation directory for python
- scope question in a switch mixin
browerg at verizon.net
- SQLObject 0.10.0b1
Oleg Broytmann
- newbie question regarding int(input(:))
Craig Ward
- Fwd: newbie question regarding int(input(:)) - sorry for the spam
Craig Ward
- Using eggs
- Rapid desktop application development
Monica Francis
- extracting Javadocs using Python
- Import and execfile()
George Sakkis
- installing mod_python
- ctypes, GetWindowLongPtr
Henry Baxter
- easy_install on Mac
sween119 at hotmail.com
- Boa constructor
- Successfully created installer for python2.5 compiled code under .net2005
- eric4 request for contribution
Detlev Offenbach
- upload file and estimation time
- Looking for GSM Mobile Phone www.enmac.com.hk
- what did the bible say about Mohammad
small giant
- a problem with py2exe
devnew at gmail.com
- *** American nationalism is FAKE and its MYTHS are LIES, YANK BASTARDS RAPED BY THEIR OWN MARINES - ***
Danyelle Gragsone
- *** American nationalism is FAKE and its MYTHS are LIES, YANK BASTARDS RAPED BY THEIR OWN MARINES - ***
Dan Upton
- *** American nationalism is FAKE and its MYTHS are LIES, YANK BASTARDS RAPED BY THEIR OWN MARINES - ***
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Mike Meyer
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
- super, decorators and gettattribute
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Michele Simionato
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Ben Finney
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Michele Simionato
- super, decorators and gettattribute
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Helmut Jarausch
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Richard Szopa
- super, decorators and gettattribute
Steven D'Aprano
- super, decorators and gettattribute
George Sakkis
- executing newgrp from python in current shell possible?
Svenn Are Bjerkem
- HONESTO AND VERY EASY MONEY!!!!!what to in a year and did so in less than a month
- DEK's birthday
George Neuner
- pygtk dnd woes
johnthawk at excite.com
- OSCON 2008 Call for Proposals
- paypal python library
mobiledreamers at gmail.com
- Exceptions - How do you make it work like built-in exceptions?
- Exceptions - How do you make it work like built-in exceptions?
- Exceptions - How do you make it work like built-in exceptions?
Mark Tolonen
- Exceptions - How do you make it work like built-in exceptions?
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
Donn Ingle
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
Neil Hodgson
- LANG, locale, unicode, setup.py and Debian packaging
"Martin v. Löwis"
- i am new guy for this discussion group
- i am new guy for this discussion group
- i am new guy for this discussion group
bruno.desthuilliers at gmail.com
- i am new guy for this discussion group
- Manually installing PIL
Fredrik Lundh
- NotImplimentedError
hakim ouaras
- Recieving emails in python
mobiledreamers at gmail.com
- Return name of caller function?
Moshe Ben-Eliezer
- Pygtk Image Load Problem
- ucs2 or ucs4?
Neal Becker
- DBUS and exceptions
Frank Aune
- Pydev 1.3.11 Released
Fabio Zadrozny
- X/Linux mouse_event (like in win32api)
Atila Olah
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Chris Mellon
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Paul Rubin
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Steven D'Aprano
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Tim Chase
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Paul Rubin
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Steven D'Aprano
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Paul Rubin
- short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())
Neil Cerutti
- [ANN] pylint 0.14 / logilab-astng 0.17.2
Sylvain Thénault
- [ANN] pylint 0.14 / logilab-astng 0.17.2
Ben Finney
- SyntaxError: 'import *' not allowed with 'from .'
George Sakkis
- SimCity GPLed
Terry Reedy
- [help request] how to set sys.stderr to object of cStringIO type
- Retrieving info from DBUS at application startup
Frank Aune
- ElementTree and namespaces in the header only
Peter Bengtsson
- Leo 4.4.6 beta 2 released
Edward K Ream
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
skip at pobox.com
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Neil Cerutti
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Colin J. Williams
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Skip Montanaro
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Colin J. Williams
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Steven D'Aprano
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Colin J. Williams
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
John Machin
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Skip Montanaro
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Sergio Correia
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Neil Cerutti
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Chris M
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Paul Rubin
- Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?
Neil Cerutti
- Python's great, in a word
MartinRinehart at gmail.com
- Python's great, in a word
Pablo Ziliani
- Python's great, in a word
Neil Cerutti
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
Henry Chang
- Python's great, in a word
Stefan Behnel
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
Tim Chase
- Python's great, in a word
Martin Marcher
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
George Sakkis
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
Martin Marcher
- Python's great, in a word
Pablo Ziliani
- Python's great, in a word
Ben Finney
- Python's great, in a word
James Matthews
- Python's great, in a word
Joe Riopel
- Python's great, in a word
Carl Banks
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
Carl Banks
- Python's great, in a word
James Matthews
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
Fredrik Lundh
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
MartinRinehart at gmail.com
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
- Python's great, in a word
Jan Claeys
- Open existing Word document, modify and save.
- UTF-8 in basic CGI mode
- Compile with GLib-1.2 instead of 2.4
Brandon Perry
- Running Multiple Versions
noel at webeok.org
- Memory problem with threading
rewonka at gmail.com
- login to https (newbie)
bkamrani at gmail.com
- Asynchronous HTTP
- What have you been up to
- Image to browser
danielatdaveschool at gmail.com
- Generic string import like in strptime?
- ANN: CaltrainPy 0.2
Heikki Toivonen
- using pyopengl 3.0.0b1 with py2exe
Sébastien Ramage
- Shed Skin (restricted) Python-to-C++ Compiler 0.0.26
Mark Dufour
- plz help how to print python variable using os.system()
jitender001001 at gmail.com
- welcome to billa
vadivel59 at gmail.com
- Paramiko/SSH blues....
Tarun Kapoor
- MSI read support in msilib?
Floris Bruynooghe
- Internet
i.shoba3 at gmail.com
- Current Special Vicoden
- ANN: Wing IDE 3.0.3 released
- Thinking of your next holiday
magicalnepal at gmail.com
- Opening/Running files through python
- zip function for python
- ANN: Resolver One 1.0 released
Giles Thomas
- Boost your business with Quality Web & Design Services at Bargain Prices!
WOSG Services
- How to create graphs an embed them in GUI?
Heiko Niedermeyer
- the tutor list has been strangely silent for a few days. Anyone know what has happened?
- working with a subversion repo
- very import
carlos.cuenta2 at gmail.com
- Python FTP server library 0.3.0 released
Giampaolo Rodola'
- how django discovers changed sources
- Python Tutorial.
- Cannot catch _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError
- too long float
J. Peng
- Free amazing softwares and virus protect
- merge 2 arrays
hakim ouaras
- Pythonland documentation
Simon Pickles
- Core Python Programming . . .
- IRC bot threading dilemma
bakermi at cbc.ca
- ANN: pyharu-2.0.8, the interface to libharu(PDF generate lib)
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
cptnwillard at gmail.com
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
cokofreedom at gmail.com
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
cptnwillard at gmail.com
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Neil Cerutti
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Neil Cerutti
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
cptnwillard at gmail.com
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Hrvoje Niksic
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Neil Cerutti
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
cokofreedom at gmail.com
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Neil Cerutti
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
cptnwillard at gmail.com
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Neil Cerutti
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Ross Ridge
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Neil Cerutti
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Peter Otten
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Steven D'Aprano
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Arnaud Delobelle
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Hrvoje Niksic
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Peter Otten
- Is this a bug, or is it me?
Arnaud Delobelle
- Help! - Invoke setup.py file
Vikas Jadhav
- Movie Stars As Sources Of Wisdom
bs866806 at 163.com
- All about DOGS
mayasmith1 at gmail.com
- Excess whitespace in my soup
John Machin
- the God that never was
small giant
- SPARQL server in Python?
Bart Ogryczak
- python scripts with IIS
william paul
- Default attribute values pattern
George Sakkis
- Okay I got a question regarding Tkinter and Labels
Lamonte Harris
- del self?
Simon Pickles
- How to get the user/group name from uid/gid in python ?
- psyco problem on mac wingide
Arash Arfaee
- an Invitation to be Involved in a Survey on Developing Scientific Computing Software
- Quixote cookies
menkaur at gmail.com
- Linux/Win32 func. to get Python instdir (not exedir) + site-packages => extensions mgmt
- convivenza
- Homework Helper and College Companion Websites
- change values of array in dictionary
hakim ouaras
- py2exe and modules question
- PyCon 2008 Registration Open!
David Goodger
- Bittorent client with google talk interface
Astan Chee
- auto import
- object scope
J. Peng
- Our Bosch hid kit is $45/pc
housinghouse at 126.com
- newbie doubt ..numpy array
- paging in python shell
Alex K
- paging in python shell
Tim Roberts
- paging in python shell
Alex K
- paging in python shell
John Machin
- paging in python shell
Alex K
- paging in python shell
Ben Finney
- paging in python shell
Alex K
- paging in python shell
Gabriel Genellina
- paging in python shell
gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
- paging in python shell
Alex K
- paging in python shell
Gabriel Genellina
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Albert Hopkins
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Albert Hopkins
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Steven D'Aprano
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Antoon Pardon
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Christian Heimes
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Pete Forman
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Steven D'Aprano
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Mark Dickinson
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Pete Forman
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Robert Kern
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Steven D'Aprano
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Antoon Pardon
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Steven D'Aprano
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Antoon Pardon
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Mark Dickinson
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Mark Dickinson
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Mark Dickinson
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Grant Edwards
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Christian Heimes
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Russell E. Owen
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Robert Kern
- math and numerical fixes (was: When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?)
Christian Heimes
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Grant Edwards
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Pete Forman
- When is min(a, b) != min(b, a)?
Steven D'Aprano
- Just for fun: Countdown numbers game solver
dg.google.groups at thesamovar.net
- where to join a open project in Python
scsoce sc
- stdin, stdout, redmon
Bernard Desnoues
- stdin, stdout, redmon
Rolf van de Krol
- stdin, stdout, redmon
Bernard Desnoues
- stdin, stdout, redmon
Bernard Desnoues
- stdin, stdout, redmon
Konstantin Shaposhnikov
- stdin, stdout, redmon
- Help with cPAMIE
romo20350 at gmail.com
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 21)
Gabriel Genellina
- is it possible to set namespace to an object.
- Berlin (Germany) Python User Group is meeting on 23.1.
Stephan Diehl
- Building a pretrigger / posttrigger framework class
- pygep
Blubaugh, David A.
- PyGTK, Glade, and ComboBoxEntry.append_text()
Greg Johnston
- newbie question: On installation of additional packages to Python
Nasser Abbasi
- HTML parsing confusion
- Electronic and Computer Science video courses, No login, No fee
- Question on sort() key function
Robert Latest
- MySQLdb and DictCursor
Frank Aune
- docbook and xmlproc
Tim Arnold
- Submitting with PAMIE
romo20350 at gmail.com
- rpy registry
hnessenospam at yahoo.com
- difflib confusion
krishnakant Mane
- Anyone into Paimei?? Need some help.
over at thepond.com
- translating Python to Assembler...sorry if this is duplicated...it's unintentional
over at thepond.com
- Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (April 2008: Vancouver, British Columbia)
Anthony Jones
- monitoring device status with python ...
Ajay Deshpande
- subprocess and & (ampersand)
Steven Bethard
- InstallShield file properties issues
pakmarshal at gmail.com
- what's wrong with the wmi.Terminate() method?
thunder54007 at gmail.com
- Computer Laptops
- Announcement: Python module for pacparser (parses proxy auto-config files)
Manu Garg
- application error in python
- wxpython
joe jacob
- pythonic backtrace with gdb
Hynek Hanke
- How avoid both a newline and a space between 2 print commands?
seberino at spawar.navy.mil
- csv to xls using python 2.1.3
- twisted: problem with sftp-client
Kristian Domke
- Lxml on mac
marcroy.olsen at gmail.com
- py2exe: python modules and applicaation
vedrandekovic at gmail.com
- Checking the existence of parsed variables
Gavin Lusby
- Automatically Writing a Dictionary
tonylabarbara at aol.com
- swig/python memory leak question
- port forwarding: python scrypt or C ?
- REMINDER: OSCON 2008 Call for Proposals
- os.system behavior when calling SQLPlus with spooling
steve551979 at hotmail.com
- Function wrappers
castironpi at gmail.com
- Issue with docking wx.listctrl window
- ENMAC Mobile Phones, iPods EQ100 www.enmac.com.hk
- Navigating through python packages
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
- Smart Debugger (Python)
- PyPerforce: How to open file for editing
Huayang Xia
- OS X, Python, and Emacs
Travis Jensen
- Method for intracardiac therapy using sensor for heart wall thickness
- any library for SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2?
Amogh Hooshdar
- Minimum Requirements for Python
justinrob at gmail.com
- inode number in windows XP
- grouping in module 'locale'
Roman Bertle
- Windows issue -- method to control generation of bytecode files
Alan Nichols
- CFP: DATICS 2008 - Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems
- basic output question
John Deas
- How to modify the content of an email
alejandro.valdez at gmail.com
- pyfov Package Index link broken
Martin Manns
- ElementTree.fromstring(unicode_html)
- How can I use the up and down, left and right arrow keys to control a Python Pgm
- finding child cpu usage of a running child
Karthik Gurusamy
- Mobile Phones, iPods EQ100 www.enmac.com.hk
- Pickling dynamically generated classes
George Sakkis
- [OT]: The Python Fan
- urllib + Microsoft VBScript
- nayanthara nake out
sathish.suray at gmail.com
- trisha nake out
suray.sathish at gmail.com
- Replacing a package with another
J. Pablo Fernández
- Programmer Need
tim at rileyphotographic.com
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Klik2 Project, Python apps on linux
Jason Taylor
- python regex: misbehaviour with "\r" (0x0D) as Newline character in Unicode Mode
Arian Sanusi
- Workshop "Medical Imaging Systems" within EUROMEDIA 2008 - Last Call for Papers
tavares at fe.up.pt
- is it a bug?
Mr Shore
- ANN: Leo 4.4.6 final released
Edward K Ream
- python valentine
nurple11 at gmail.com
- Serving images
Jumping Arne
- Using a dict as if it were a module namespace.
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Scroll Bar in List Ctrl
- confidence your earning power
- Unicode Problem
Victor Subervi
- referer url
pavloutefkros at gmail.com
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 28)
Gabriel Genellina
- Embeding python with mingw on win32 and python 2.4.4
- [Q] Is there a way to minimize a Tkinter application to the system tray?
Thomas Ploch
- Announcing the Python core sprint at PyCon 2008
Brett Cannon
- Is netstat in python is enough for getting ip address of all system connected in network
Manikandan R
- Where do glade files go?
- Pydev 1.3.12 Released
Fabio Zadrozny
- Zipfile content reading via an iterator?
Tim Chase
- Extending the import mechanism - what is recommended?
dbr517 at gmail.com
- Changing module variables.
Albert van der Horst
- Trouble loading dll via ctypes
subopt inTheVicinityOf geemail.com
- runscript module, where are the docs...
- MySQLdb
pavloutefkros at gmail.com
- Implementation of IBuyable or Interface?
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
- typename
Neal Becker
- load movie frames in python?
Brian Blais
- Python UML Metamodel
sccs cscs
- ImageFilter failing for mode = 1
Christian Hanemann
- Telenet nieuwsgroepen mededeling: nieuwsserver adres aanpassen/Attention: modification de l'adresse du serveur de newsgroup
info at telenet.be
- Gmail imap search does not get all messages.
Bart Kastermans
- How to collect all the IP address of the system connected in network?
Manikandan R
- Replacing call to PyObject_CallObject with PyEval_CallFunction
- Fwd: The results of your email commands
Manikandan R
- epydoc 3.0 released
Edward Loper
- Form to mail script
Joe Demeny
- help using python on Vista
Safe Alattar
- Unicode literals to latin-1
David.Reksten at sweco.no
- Tkinter - incremental input ?
Helmut Jarausch
- Anyone Know Unicode? Help!
Victor Subervi
- event handling
Peter Nemeth
- Python plugins for netbeans 6 IDE?
- dynamically set up ssh -r & paramiko?
- python modules collection
J. Peng
- Wo killed Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan = NEOCON/ZIOCON many layers of deception
Eddie Davis
- How does one get onto planet.python.org?
Guyon Morée
- Bug/Patch: Problem with xml/__init__.py when using freeze.py
- DEADLINE Feb 4: OSCON 2008 Call for Proposals
- very simple Genetic Algorithm completed
Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com
- sending a handmade SOAP request
- PyWeek 6 is coming!
richard at pyweek.org
- char string 2 hex string
Antonio Chay
Jack Holt
- psycopg2
Andre' John
Blubaugh, David A.
- CDA conversion
Sick Monkey
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 23:06:36 EST 2008
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 05:53:14 EDT 2019
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