sending input to an embedded application

George Oliver georgeoliverGO at
Sat Jul 12 03:08:09 EDT 2008

hi, I'm a novice programmer trying to better define a hobby project
I'm thinking of.

What I would like to do is take a program and embed it or put it
within a Python-run GUI, using the GUI just to capture and send input
to the application, and display the ouput.

Specifically I want to use a Python module such as wxPython, pygame or
pyglet to build the UI, capture key presses, and then send a string to
the program, an interactive fiction interpreter; the reason for this
is that the interpreter on its own doesn't have the capability to
recognize certain key presses on the keyboard. I thought that writing
a middle layer rather than a brand new interpreter would be easier for
someone of my skill level.

The interpreter would send its output to the Python GUI. The GUI then
would be as light/translucent as possible, just accepting input,
sending it to the interpreter, and displaying the output as if you
were just running the interpreter by itself.

As I don't really know the issues involved, I'm hoping someone can
point me in the right direction. Do people 'frame' programs with
something like wxPython or pygame and use the frame to capture and
pass along input, and receive and display the output?

thanks, George

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