Rant (was Re: x*x if x>10
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at nospam.web.de
Sun Jul 27 13:46:32 EDT 2008
>> Can you tell us what you mean by "several names of one object"? You mean
>> this?
>> a = range(10)
>> b = a
>> id(a) == id(b)
>> ? Passing references instead of values is an extremely important concept
>> of many languages, without it you would end up copying most of the time.
> OK. I've obviously been thinking about things the wrong way. In Forth you
> pass the memory address around, and presumably that's essentially what's
> happening when you pass a reference.
Pretty much, yes. And I for once can say that I've been caught by
modifying e.g. stack-locals instead of heap-objects in C++ by accident.
> The problem is, I get caught frequently
> in this situation:
> a = [1,2,3]
> def foo(x):
> do_something_with_x
> return x
> ...
> Then when I call foo(a), a gets changed. It just isn't the effect I expect
> from changing a local.
It's the way things work - mutables are mutables. If you want them to be
modified, use the module copy.
As a rule of thumb, don't return objects you didn't create inside a
function from scratch.
Which is the exact reasoning for the
method btw - returning None is supposed to make you aware of the
in-place modification.
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