ctypes and reading value under pointer passed as param of a callback
waldemar.rymarkiewicz at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 04:06:32 EDT 2008
On Jul 24, 5:01 pm, Thomas Heller <thel... at python.net> wrote:
> waldekschrieb:
> > Hi,
> > I'm using C dll with py module and wanna read value (buffer of bytes)
> > returned in py callback as parameter passed to dll function.
> The callback receives a pointer instance. You can dereference the pointer
> to read individual bytes in this way:
> print data[0], data[5], data[42]
> or use slicing to read a bunch of bytes:
> print data[0:42]
> So, you probably want something like this:
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > def mycallback(data, size):
> > # how to read data buffer here ?
> print data[:size]
> > return 0
> > cbfunc = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_uint8), c_int)
> > mydll = cdll.somedll
> > mdll.foo(cbfunct)
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > Question: How to get bytes from the buffer passed to mycallback ???
> > Let's assume that the buffer consist of 4 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes.
> > I tried unpack("ii8s", data[0]) and nothing. I tried different ctypes
> > passed to callback and nothing.
> Thomas
Cool, works fine now.
... and how to convert a list of bytes to py string or int ??
data[:4] -> py int
data[4:8] -> py int
data[8:] -> py strng
I tried unpack and unpack_from but the buff should be an string or
buffer not a list of bytes as data is.
any suggestions?
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