Creating an .exe with Tkinter involved

Alex Bryan alexnbryan at
Thu Jul 3 04:51:56 EDT 2008

I know this is possible so someone out there should be able to help  
me! Okay, I have a program that uses Tkinter, and BeautifulSoup. I  
don't think it should be a problem. I want to create an exe of it. I  
have py2exe but I don't really know how to work it. I read their  
tutorial thing and did a setup that looked something like this:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe


(isn't really called myFunProgram)

This seems terribly wrong however because... it isn't a console app.  
So I am wondering if anyone can show me how or point me in the right  
direction to a place where I can learn how to do this. I would  
appreciate it!

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