ANN: eGenix EuroPython 2008 Presentations & Videos
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
info at
Mon Jul 21 09:25:40 EDT 2008
eGenix EuroPython 2008 Presentations & Videos
We have uploaded our EuroPython 2008 presentations to our website.
Learn the concepts behind the Python DB-API and how to design
large-scale applications.
This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:
The EuroPython Conference is the one of the premier conferences for
Python & Zope users and developers. This year it was being held from
the 7th to 9th July in Vilnius, Lithuania.
eGenix was one of the founding members of the EuroPython conference
team and played a major role in organizing the first EuroPython
conference in the year 2002.
Since then we have attended every EuroPython conference to meet up
face-to-face with the people from the Python & Zope communities and
have given regular talks at these conferences.
We gave the following two talks at the conference. The presentations
are available for viewing and download from our Presentations and
Talks section:
As special feature, we have added talk videos in addition to providing
the slide PDFs. You can view the talks online if you have the Adobe
Flash Player 8 or later installed.
* Using the Python Database API
The Python Database API (DB-API) is a specification of a module
interface that allows interfacing from Python to a relational database.
The talk gives a high-level introduction to the concepts used in the
Python DB-API and relational databases in general. Connection, cursors
and transactions are discussed, and their use in Python database
applications is explained.
* Designing Large-Scale Applications in Python
Python is widely and somewhat inaccurately referred to as a scripting
language. While Python is an ideal platform for small scripting tasks,
it does in fact cover all the concepts needed for large scale object
oriented application development. However, complex applications bring
different challenges.
This talk draws on eGenix' many years experience with large scale
application development using Python as central implementation language
and provides a cookbook approach to many of the the problems you face
when designing and organizing complex application frameworks.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jul 21 2008)
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D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611
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