New CMS in Python

Martin Sand Christensen msc at
Thu Jul 31 04:25:43 EDT 2008

>>>>> :-)  <4vinoth at> writes:

> Please send me how U expect your new CMS would be?

I don't mean to be disparaging, but I'd like to point out a few things
that I'm not entirely sure you've thought through.

Firstly, there is currently no shortage in CMS', and especially not in
half-completed, poorly thought out CMS' (not, of course, that I'm saying
yours is necessarily poorly thought out). Unless you bring some new
ideas to the playing field, or unless you think you can do something
better than the existing CMS' already do, the world isn't going to care
about your particular CMS. If you're writing your CMS for fun and
experience, that's great for you and probably a very good idea, but
don't expect many other people to show enthusiasm.

Secondly and related to my first point, if you're asking for people's
input on how they'd like your CMS to be, you've probably not given
purpose and design a lot of thought, and so I must reiterate that unless
you do something new or something better, don't expect anyone to care.
If you want to build a community around your project, the best thing to
do is generally to get something working on your own and then open up
for others when there's actually something to work on. And that means
that you should have a reasonably clear idea where you're going before
setting out.

Anyway, the best of luck to you!

Martin Sand Christensen
IT Services, Dept. of Electronic Systems

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