Determining when a file has finished copying
norseman at
Wed Jul 9 13:07:31 EDT 2008
Also available:
pgm-W copies/creates-fills whatever B/dummy
when done, pgm-W renames B/dummy to B/F
pgm-D only scouts for B/F and does it thing when found
norseman at
Manuel Vazquez Acosta wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> This seems a synchronization problem. A scenario description could clear
> things up so we can help:
> Program W (The workflow) copies file F to directory B
> Program D (the dog) polls directory B to find is there's any new file F
> In this scenario, program D does not know whether F has been fully
> copied, but W does.
> Solution:
> Create a custom lock mechanism. Program W writes a file D/F.lock to
> indicate file F is not complete, it's removed when F is fully copied.
> I program W crashes in mid-copy both F and F.lock are kept so program D
> does not bother to process F. Recovery from the crash in W would another
> issue to tackle down.
> Best regards,
> Manuel.
> writeson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm writing some code that monitors a directory for the appearance of
>> files from a workflow. When those files appear I write a command file
>> to a device that tells the device how to process the file. The
>> appearance of the command file triggers the device to grab the
>> original file. My problem is I don't want to write the command file to
>> the device until the original file from the workflow has been copied
>> completely. Since these files are large, my program has a good chance
>> of scanning the directory while they are mid-copy, so I need to
>> determine which files are finished being copied and which are still
>> mid-copy.
>> I haven't seen anything on Google talking about this, and I don't see
>> an obvious way of doing this using the os.stat() method on the
>> filepath. Anyone have any ideas about how I might accomplish this?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Doug
>> --
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> --
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