Histogram of floating point values.
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Jul 25 18:10:17 EDT 2008
aditya shukla wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I have a list say
> data=[0.99,0.98,0.98,0.98,0.97,0.93,0.92,0.92,0.83,0.66,0.50,0.50]
> i am trying to plot histogram of these values
> i have installed numpy and matplotlib and this is what i am doing*
> import numpy
> import pylab
> from numpy import *
> from pylab import *
> input_hist=array(data)
> pylab.hist(input_hist,bins=0.1)
> and this is the error that i am getting
> _*(array([], dtype=int32), array([ 0.5]), <a list of 0 Patch objects>)*_
> does this mean that i cannot plot a histogram of floating point values ?
> or is there a way around
Ask the pylab (matplotlib?) people what their error message means.
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