atan2 weirdness

Carsten Haese carsten.haese at
Sun Jul 20 00:24:25 EDT 2008

narutocanada at wrote:
> hi
> atan2 is supposed to return the angle to x-axis when given y and x, I
> suppose if I take [x,y] to one full circle, I should get 0-360 degree
> back---- but no, I get 3 full revolutions!
> maybe my understanding is wrong.
> from math import *
> def f(ang):
>  a=ang
>  if a>360: a-=360
>  if a>360: a-=360
>  if a<0: a+=360
>  if a<0: a+=360
>  return round(a)
> for i in range(0,360):
>  t=2*pi*i/360.0
>  print i,f(atan2(sin(t),cos(t))*180.0)

Your understanding of atan2 is correct, but your conversion from radians 
to degrees is off by a factor of pi. Since pi is close to 3, you're 
getting what appears to be three full revolutions.


Carsten Haese

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