Fredrik Lundh
fredrik at
Mon Jul 21 08:47:32 EDT 2008
Anish Chapagain wrote:
> from Tkinter import *
> root=Tk()
> f=Frame(root,height=200,width=200)
> b=Button(f,text="quit",command=f.quit)
> f.pack()
> root.mainloop()
> --------------------------------------------------
> from Tkinter import *
> import sys
> root=Tk()
> f=Frame(root,height=200,width=200)
> b=Button(f,text="quit",command=sys.exit)
> f.pack()
> root.mainloop()
> I am wondering that why the button after clikcing is not closing the
> window..please any suggestion..
> i tries command=f.quit, sys.quit also..
> if there is something i'm missing please help
Assuming you accidentally left out the line where you're displaying the
button (e.g. "b.pack()"), both your samples work when running this from
the command line.
Are you perhaps running this code from inside IDLE? IDLE is itself
written in Tkinter, and it doesn't always shut down the Tkinter
subsystem properly.
... and I have to admit that I don't know what the currently recommended
workaround is -- you'll find plenty of documentation on the net that
just says "don't do that" (run Tkinter programs from within IDLE, that
is), but surely someone should have fixed that issue by now?.
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