Trouble using pinckle
Cédric Lucantis
omer at
Wed Jul 2 10:45:21 EDT 2008
Le Wednesday 02 July 2008 16:09:07 Pierre-Alain Dorange, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm new to python and i'm deelopping a small game with pygame.
> I got lot of fun with python.
> Trying to implement a config file to save user score and config.
> Reading doc and some tutorial about file handling i read about pickle,
> and yes it's very easy to implement.
> But i thought i miss something with the roots of python.
> I implement a Prefs class to handle config data and add it a load and
> save method. It works but when reading self, it OK inside the load
> function but outside the pref instance return to it's previus state...
> I don't really understand.
> Here's the test code :
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import os, pickle
> kFileName='test.ini'
> class Prefs():
note that using new-style classes is recommended today:
class Prefs (object) :
> def __init__(self):
> self.test=1
> self.zorglub='bonjour'
> def load(self):
> if os.path.exists(kFileName):
> try:
> print 'test %d (before)' % self.test
> f=open(kFileName,'r')
> self=pickle.load(f)
> f.close()
> print 'test %d (after)' % self.test
> except IOError:
> return 1
> return 0
Here self is only a local variable and its meaning is only a convention. So
assigning it to a new value won't change the object itself (and is not a good
idea as it may be confusing for the reader).
You should either use a static method which returns a new object:
class Prefs (object) :
def save (self, f) :
pickle.dump(self, f)
def load (f) :
return pickle.load(f)
and load it with "prefs = Prefs.load(filename)"
or store all the values in a dictionary and only pickle this object:
class Prefs (object) :
def __init__ (self) :
self.values = { 'test': 1, ... }
def save (self, f) :
pickle.dump(self.values, f)
def load (self, f) :
self.values = pickle.load(f)
Cédric Lucantis
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