py2exe issues with pictures and icons

Alexnb alexnbryan at
Wed Jul 16 16:22:49 EDT 2008

Alexnb wrote:
> Mike Driscoll wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 1:37 pm, Alexnb <alexnbr... at> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I am sure most of you are familiar with py2exe. I am having a bit of a
>>> problem. See the program has a few pictures involved and the .ico it
>>> uses
>>> for the windows. However, the pictures are stored in the same directory
>>> as
>>> the source, something like: C:\Docs and settings\me\My
>>> docs\python\program.
>>> When I run the program for the interpreter, just as a .py, everything
>>> works
>>> just as it should. However, when I compile the main source as an .exe,
>>> and
>>> say let a friend try the program. It fails because it is missing the
>>> .ico.
>>> The catch, is I don't want to have it have to installed, at least at
>>> this
>>> point, I want it to be able to just run. So how can I make it just run
>>> from
>>> any computer with the files not being in the immediate directory. If
>>> that is
>>> not possible, how can I put them in the immediate directory and still
>>> make
>>> it work. Because that directory may change a lot so the path will
>>> change.
>>> Just a few questions. I hope someone out there can help me out!
>>> --
>>> View this message in
>>> context:
>>> Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at
>> Put the part of the code that needs the ico file(s) into a try/except
>> block. You could also try reading the py2exe wiki and tutorials. This
>> one looks like it has relevant data:
>> Mike
>> --
> Well, that may solve the icon problem. But what about getting pictures in
> there?

Okay, the icon fix didn't really fix it, what it did was make the .exe have
the icon as the little picture for the shortcut, but it isn't really a
shortcut. Whatever. But, I went and ran it on another computer and this was
the error log it created right off the bat.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "The", line 696, in <module>
  File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1515, in wm_iconbitmap
_tkinter.TclError: bitmap "C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My
Documents\PYTHON\DictionaryApp\Windows.ico" not defined

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