Python Written in C?

mk mrkafk at
Wed Jul 23 08:10:22 EDT 2008

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> An operation that most people avoid because of the penalty of "shifting
> down" all elements after the deleted one.  Pythonistas tend to build new
> lists without unwanted elements instead. 

Which is exactly what I have done with my big lxml.etree, from which I 
needed to delete some elements: constructed a new tree only with 
elements I wanted. Sure, that works.

There _is_ a minor side effect: nearly doubling memory usage while the 
operation lasts. 99% of the time it's not a problem, sure.

 > I can't even remember when I
> deleted something from a list in the past.

Still, doesn't that strike you as.. workaround?

I half-got used to it, but it would still be nice not to (practically) 
have to use it.

Enough whining. Gonna eat my quiche and do my Python. :-)

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