DB Pool

Diez B. Roggisch deets at nospam.web.de
Tue Jul 22 09:29:40 EDT 2008

bcurtu wrote:

> Hi,
> I use MySQLdb lib to access my DB, because I want to opttimize my sql
> queries. The application I'm working on has quite a few traffic load,
> so I want to minimize the time of creating/destroying cursors:
> My typical code is sth like:
>         cursor=con.cursor()
>         cursor.execute(sql)
>         all= cursor.fetchall()
>         cursor.close()
> So, the question is... how can I minimize this cost? I was thinking on
> Connection Pools, but I didn't find any good documentation or sample.
> Any idea?

What has the above (getting *cursors* from a given connection) to do with

I'm not sure what the actual costs of creating a cursor are (might well be
that these are neglibel) but why don't you stop closing the cursor and just
re-use it?

Connection pooling is of course useful - frameworks such as SQLAlchemy and
SQLObject do that for you, if used proper.


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