logging via SocketHandler and TCPserver

Larry Bates larry.bates at websafe.com`
Tue Jul 15 15:41:55 EDT 2008

Rob Wolfe wrote:
> Larry Bates <larry.bates at websafe.com`> writes:
>> Can multiple applications send SocketHandler logging records to the
>> same socket server on the same port simultaneously?  
> Of course they can. Server can accept requests from many clients.
> You have used `SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer`. That server for example
> handles every request in a different thread.
>> If so, then I understand your answer completely and will go 
>> in that direction.  I guess I was trying to not use up 
>> bandwidth/CPU cycles on the applications that weren't being actively 
>> monitored by just not having the socket server connected to them.
>> I think you may be a 'little to close' to the (excellent) application
>> you have written to understand the steep learning curve that I see.
>> You know the saying, "Brain surgery is easy to a brain surgeon".  I
>> should point out that I'm no newbie.  I've used PIL, ReportLab,
>> BeautifulSoup, Mechanize, Win32 extensions, ElementTree and a whole
>> host of other modules with less difficulty.  Please don't take this as
>> anything more than an observation on my part.  From what I see, you
>> have written (and generously donated) an extremely powerful library
>> and it is greatly appreciated.  It is most likely just me.
> Well, I know what you mean. I had troubles to understand that library
> either. Logging docs are quite good as a reference, but there is lack
> of a good introductory tutorial. Now when I know `logging` I can't live 
> without it, but the start wasn't easy.
> I shouldn't say it here, but I found helpful docs to the similar
> library in Java. ;)
> http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html
> There are many differences (e.g. Appenders vs Handlers), but the rule
> is the same.
>> As far as the book is concerned, I guess I'd purchase the only copy ;-).
> "The Art of Logging" - four volumes. ;-)
> Regards,
> Rob

Five volumes if you add in "Logging within Frameworks (Django, TurboGears, and 
Pylons" ;-).

Now on to UnitTesting (I use a home-grown method), Twisted, and other things I 
can't seem to find time to get my brain around...


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