screencapture with PIL question

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Tue Jul 15 06:49:49 EDT 2008

greg wrote:

> I am able to use the PIL module to capture a screen or specific
> window.  My problem is when capturing a window (on windows XP) I can
> only capture the "visible" portion of the window.  Is there any way to
> capture the entire window?  specifically the scrolled portion of a
> window that is not visible on the screen.

If we're talking arbitrary applications, that portion doesn't 
necessarily exist other than as a collection of data structures deep 
inside the application.

To fix this, your captura program needs to take repeated screenshots, 
adjust the view between every shot, and then stitch them together.  See 
Gabriel's post for a link to a nice automation tool for Windows.

There are also various browser screenshot tools around that might work 
in your case (I think I've seen Python code for that somewhere, but 
cannot find it right now).  Google can probably help.


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