db question
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Mon Jul 21 05:32:04 EDT 2008
In message <hoKdnehFvIQ_uBnVnZ2dnUVZ_oLinZ2d at earthlink.com>, Dennis Lee
Bieber wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 18:43:03 -0700, "bruce" <bedouglas at earthlink.net>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>> mysql cmd - select * from foo where dog like "%small%";
>> sql ="""select * from foo where dog like "%%%s%%" """
>> c.execute(sql, (var,))
> The execute statement is responsible quoting your literals, so the
> final statement you end up submitting looks like:
> select * from foo where dog like ""%"xxx"%""
> or some variant thereof.
> Anything parameterized with %s must be a complete term!
> Try:
> sql = "select * from foo where dog like %s"
> c.execute(sql, ("%" + var + "%",) )
> IOW: you need to massage the variable search term to include the
> wildcard % FIRST, then let MySQLdb substitute it (with surrounding
> quotes and escapes) into the SQL.
More general, less pitfall-prone solution:
select * from foo where dog like %s" %
SQLString("%" + EscapeSQLWild("small") + "%")
where SQLString and EscapeSQLWild are defined as in
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