python: error <type 'instance'>, ('No module named py', ), No module named py
David Hláčik
david at
Wed Jun 4 14:49:32 EDT 2008
Hello, what this beautifull mesage which is messing me whole day means :
*python: error <type 'instance'>, ('No module named py',), No module named
as a result of class which is called from
To be detailed ... news server inn is calling that when doing
autentification , it calls where instance of my class is
hooked into inn , when authentification begins it calls method
authenticate(arguments) from pdg.
I will provide as many information as needed to solve this mistery, becouse
i really need to solve it.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ldap
from nnrpd import syslog
class news:
server = 'ldap://'
user_dn = 'cn=pdg,ou=Operators,o=Polarion'
user_pw = 'Pdg1'
connectcodes = { 'READPOST':200,
authcodes = { 'ALLOWED':281,
def newsauth(self,match_username,match_password):
base_dn = 'ou=Users,o=Polarion'
filter = "(uid=" + match_username + ")"
attrs = ['userPassword']
try :
l = ldap.initialize(self.server)
l.bind_s(self.user_dn, self.user_pw)
raw_res = l.search_s( base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
filter, attrs )
except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
print "Error, server down"
return 2
print "Error, invalid credentials"
return 2
except ldap.LDAPError, e:
print "Error, %s" % e
for results in raw_res:
(cn,search) = results
for password in search["userPassword"]:
if password == match_password: return 1
return 0
def authenticate(self, attributes):
# just for debugging purposes
syslog('notice', 'nnrpd_auth authenticate() invoked:
hostname %s, ipaddress
%s, interface %s, user %s' % (\
attributes['hostname'], \
attributes['ipaddress'], \
attributes['interface'], \
syslog('notice', "result %s" %
except Exception, msg:
syslog('notice', "error %s, %s, %s" %
# do username passworld authentication
#if self.newsauth(attributes['user'],
# syslog('notice', 'authentication by username
# return ( self.authcodes['ALLOWED'], 'No error' )
# syslog('notice', 'authentication by username failed')
# return ( self.authcodes['DENIED'], 'Access Denied!')
nnrpd_auth_py :
# This is a sample authentication and authorization module for python
# nnrpd hook
# For details, see the file doc/hook-python that came with INN.
# This file is loaded when one of the python_* readers.conf parameters
# is encountered. An instance of AUTH class is passed to nnrpd via
# set_auth_hook() function imported from nnrpd. The following methods
# of that class are known to nnrpd:
# __init__() - Use this method to initilalize your
# general variables or open a common
# database connection. May be omitted.
# access_init() - Init function specific to access
# control. May be omitted
# access(attributes) - Called when a python_access
# statement is reached in the
# processing of readers.conf. Returns
# a dictionary of values representing
# statements to be included in an
# access group.
# access_close() - Called on nnrpd termination. Save
# your state variables or close a
# database connection. May be omitted
# authen_init() - Init function specific to
# authentication. May be omitted
# authenticate(attributes) - Called when a python_auth statement
# is reached in the processing of
# readers.conf. Returns a response
# code, an error string and an
# optional string to appear in the
# logs as the username.
# authen_close() - Called on nnrpd termination. Save
# your state variables or close a database
# connection. May be omitted
# dynamic_init() - Init function specific to
# authentication. May be omitted
# dynamic(attributes) - Called whenever a reader requests either
# read or post access to a
# newsgroup. Returns None to grant
# access, or a non-empty string (which
# will be reported back to reader)
# otherwise.
# dynamic_close() - Called on nnrpd termination. Save
# your state variables or close a database
# connection. May be omitted
# If there is a problem with return codes from any of these methods then
# will die and syslog the exact reason.
# There are also a few Python functions defined in nnrpd:
# set_auth_hook() - Called by nnrpd as this module is loaded.
# It is used to pass a reference to an
# instance of authentication class to nnrpd.
# syslog() - An equivalent replacement for regular
# One consideration for using it is to
# uniform nnrpd logging.
# Sample authentication and authorization class. It defines all methods
# to nnrpd.
# Import functions exposed by nnrpd. This import must succeed, or nothing
# will work!
from nnrpd import *
from pdg import *
myauth = news()
# ...and try to hook up on nnrpd. This would make auth object methods
# to nnrpd.
syslog('notice', "authentication module successfully hooked into nnrpd")
except Exception, errmsg:
syslog('error', "Cannot obtain nnrpd hook for authentication method: %s"
% errmsg[0])
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