How to get System.Timers.Timer

John Machin sjmachin at
Sun Jun 8 00:25:06 EDT 2008

On Jun 8, 1:37 pm, "BobAtVandy" <Bob.Swith... at> wrote:
> I'll greatly appreciate any help on this.  Actually 2 questions:
> 1.  I believe I need to use the Windows timer  System.Timers.Timer .  The
> examples I find on the web all access that timer by 'import System' .
> (That's System with a capital S.)   I have pywin32 installed and 'import
> System' doesn't find System so I gather it's not in that package.    Where
> does one get the package with Windows' System class?

One grabs one's googler and goes a-huntin' ...
Looks like part of .NET so one might expect that one already have it.
However one would need to use IronPython to access it ...

> 2.  The reason I've been looking at System.Timers.Timer is that I've written
> a windows-display app and I also use a timer from wx.PyTimer.  However, I
> cannot close the window by clicking the X (Close button) at the top right of
> the window.  And, I then tried explicitly capturing an OnClose event and
> that doesn't fire either.  I then discovered that if I disable the
> wx.PyTimer, the window can be closed, and so I'm looking to try to use
> System.Timers.Timer under the theory (hope) that will avoid this problem of
> the window's not being close-able.
>      Can anyone explain why the window won't close?

Possibly. Those ones are more likely to be found on the wx mailing
list than here.

>  Is System.Timers.Timer
> likely to solve my problem?

Probably not. Looks like using a sledge-hammer to crack a red herring.

>  If not, what would?

See "wx mailing list" above.

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