Can this be done with list comprehension?

Gary Herron gherron at
Sat Jun 7 18:44:16 EDT 2008

Karlo Lozovina wrote:
> This is what I'm trying to do (create a list using list comprehesion, then 
> insert new element at the beginning of that list):
>   result = [someFunction(i) for i in some_list].insert(0, 'something')
> But instead of expected results, I get None as `result`. If instead of 
> calling `insert` method I try to index the list like this:
>   result = [someFunction(i) for i in some_list][0]
> It works as expected. Am I doing something wrong, or I can't call list 
> methods when doing list comprehension?

The problem is that list methods like insert do not return a list -- 
they modify it in place.  If you do
  a = [1,2,3]
  a.insert(0, 'something')
then a will have the results you expect, but if you do
  b = a.insert(0,'something')
you will find b to be None (although a will have the expected list).

> P.S.
> In case you're wondering, it has to be done in one line ;).

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