randrange loops

luislupe at gmail.com luislupe at gmail.com
Sun Jun 15 14:23:56 EDT 2008


I've created a method where the script defines twenty variables and
several of them should be random having a maximum and a minimum value.

What I did was this:

from random import randrange as rr, random

self.tr2_vezes = self.rr(self.d_tr2_vezes[0],self.d_tr2_vezes[-1],
1)     # just an example, others are similar

The minimum and maximum limits are never lower than -50 and higher
than 250 and are integer.

Many times, not always, the problem is that the script just loops
forever and no value is chosen for the variable.

What's happening here?  What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for any help.


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