Multiprecision arithmetic library question.
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at
Fri Jun 27 06:40:34 EDT 2008
duncan smith wrote:
> Michael Press wrote:
>> In article <slrng5homp.ihm.mdw at>,
>> Mark Wooding <mdw at> wrote:
>>> Michael Press <rubrum at> wrote:
>>>> I already compiled and installed the GNU multiprecision library
>>>> on Mac OS X, and link to it in C programs. How do I link to the
>>>> library from Python?
>>> You know that Python already supports multiprecision integer arithmetic,
>>> right? If you desperately want GMP, though, there's the gmpy module
>>> (q.g.).
>> No, I do not know that. Define desperate. Does Python support the
>> extended Euclidean algorithm
>> and other number theory functions?
>> How fast does Python multiply?
>> Not that the latter is particularly important,
>> as C is built for speed.
>> I've been fooling around. Ran dir(gmpy), and it does not show the full
>> complement of GMP
>> library functions, such as the various division
>> functions. e.g. mpz_tdiv_qr.
> There's also
> I'm not
> sure how the functionality compares to GMPY.
mxNumber is a implementation of number types that use GMP for the
internals. It doesn't expose all APIs available in GMP and also doesn't
use a 1-1 mapping. Instead, it wraps the basic types available in GMP
in Python objects which can be used just like normal Python numbers.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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2008-07-07: EuroPython 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania
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