Python's doc problems: sort

szr szrRE at szromanMO.comVE
Mon Jun 2 01:24:42 EDT 2008

szr wrote:
> Jürgen Exner wrote:
>> "Andrew Koenig" <ark at> wrote:
>>> <xahlee at> wrote in message
>> [Subject:  Python's doc problems: sort]
>>>> I want to emphasize a point here, as i have done quite emphatically
>>>> in the past. The Python documentation, is the world's worst
>>>> technical
>> And WTF does Python documentation have to do with Perl of Lisp?
>> szr, do you still have any doubts about the nature of xahlee?
> I wasn't involved in this thread, but no, after that statement
> comparing Perl's and Python's docs, I no doubts.

* should have been, ", I have no doubts."


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