help debugging noob code - converting binary data to images...
Lie.1296 at
Sun Jun 29 05:53:40 EDT 2008
On Jun 29, 4:47 pm, Lie <Lie.1... at> wrote:
> On Jun 29, 11:18 am, la... at wrote:
> > Ok I'm a Python noob, been doing OK so far, working on a data
> > conversion program and want to create some character image files from
> > an 8-bit ROM file.
> > Creating the image I've got down, I open the file and use TK to draw
> > the images... but
> > 1) It does not seem to end (running in IDLE), I have to kill the
> > process to retry it seems tkinter does not close(?)
> > 2) Once I added the Image module open won't open my binary file
> > (complains its not an image file, which is isnt.) I am sure I need to
> > prefix open with something but I can't seem to find an example of how
> > to word it,
> > Below is the code (if it is lousy its because I've mainly been
> > borrowing by examples as I go...) Any suggestions are gretly
> > appreciated.
> > #!/usr/local/bin/python
> > from Tkinter import *
> > from string import *
> > from Image import *
> You're importing everything to the current namespace and this corrupts
> the current namespace, specifically the 'open' function inside
> would shadow the built-in 'open' function.
> use:
> import Tkinter
> import string
> import Image
> There are use cases where doing 'from blah import *' is useful, such
> as importing constants, but in general try to avoid importing
> everything to current namespace.
> > root = Tk()
> > root.title('Canvas')
> If you used 'import Tkinter', you'd have to change that code to:
> root = Tkinter.Tk()
> > #open commodore Cset rom
> > cset = open("chargen","r")
> Because you shadowed the built-in 'open' with the 'from Image import
> *', this would call instead of the built-in open.
> > canvas = Canvas(width=16, height=16, bg='white')
> If you used 'import Tkinter', you'd have to change that code to:
> canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(...)
> > canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
> > # character size factor
> > size = 2
> > # read all 512 characters from ROM
> > for cchar in range(0, 511, 1):
> You can use this instead:
> for cchar in range(511):
> but beware, this creates range with length 511 (so do the original
> range), which means you're lacking on space for the last char.
> You probably wanted this instead:
> for cchar in range(512):
> But again, python can loop directly over string/list/file, etc, so
> this might be best:
> for char in
> > #draw line
> > while charline < 8:
> > position = 0
> > x =
> > ch = ord(x)
> > # draw pixels
> > while position < 8:
> > if ch & ( 2 ** position ):
> > xp = 1+(7-position)*size
> > yp = 1+charline*size
> > canvas.create_rectangle(xp,yp,xp+size,yp+size,
> > fill='black', width=0)
> > position += 1
> Since you're planning to use Image module (from PIL/Python Imaging
> Library) why not use functions from Image instead to create the image.
> The format of the file you're using seems to be RAW format (i.e.
> simple uncompressed bitmap, without any kinds of header). That means
> Image.fromstring() should work.
> > charline += 1
> > #save character image
> > outfile = "/home/mydir/work/char"+zfill(cchar,3)+".png"
> >,"png")
> > #clear canvas for next char...
> > canvas.create_rectangle(1,1,size*8,size*8, fill='white', width=0)
> > root.mainloop()
btw, PIL Handbook is a good tutorial/reference for Python Imaging
for info on raw mode:
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