Advice for a python newbie on parsing whois records?
Phillip B Oldham
phillip.oldham at
Wed Jun 11 12:29:23 EDT 2008
On Jun 10, 8:21 pm, Miki <miki.teb... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> > Hi. I'm stretching my boundaries in programming with a little python
> > shell-script which is going to loop through a list of domain names,
> > grab the whois record, parse it, and put the results into a csv.
> > I've got the results coming back fine, but since I have *no*
> > experience with python I'm wondering what would be the preferred
> > "pythonic" way of parsing the whois string into a csv record.
> > Tips/thoughts/examples more than welcome!
> from os import popen
> import re
> find_record = re.compile("\s+([^:]+): (.*)\s*").match
> for line in popen("whois"):
> match = find_record(line)
> if not match:
> continue
> print "%s --> %s" % (match.groups()[0], match.groups()[1])
> HTH,
> --
> Miki <miki.teb... at>
OK, here's what I've got so far. I'm treating this as a learning
exercise, so the resulting file isn't so important as understanding
and thinking in python (although I believe the results are adequate
for my needs). I'd appreciate the community's comments as this is my
*first* attempt at python and has taken me a couple of hours
(including googling).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import re
src = open('./domains.txt')
dest = open('./whois.csv', 'w');
def trim( txt ):
x = []
for line in txt.split("\n"):
if line.strip() == "":
if line.strip().startswith('WHOIS'):
if line.strip().startswith('>>>'):
if line.strip().startswith('%'):
if line.startswith("--"):
return ''.join(x)
x.append(" "+line)
return "\n".join(x)
def clean( txt ):
x = []
isok = re.compile("^\s?([^:]+): ").match
for line in txt.split("\n"):
match = isok(line)
if not match:
return "\n".join(x);
def clean_co_uk( rec ):
rec = rec.replace('Company number:', 'Company number -')
rec = rec.replace("\n\n", "\n")
rec = rec.replace("\n", "")
rec = rec.replace(": ", ":\n")
rec = re.sub("([^(][a-zA-Z']+\s?[a-zA-Z]*:\n)", "\n\g<0>", rec)
rec = rec.replace(":\n", ": ")
rec = re.sub("^[ ]+\n", "", rec)
return rec
def clean_net( rec ):
rec = rec.replace("\n\n", "\n")
rec = rec.replace("\n", "")
rec = rec.replace(": ", ":\n")
rec = re.sub("([a-zA-Z']+\s?[a-zA-Z]*:\n)", "\n\g<0>", rec)
rec = rec.replace(":\n", ": ")
return rec
def clean_info( rec ):
x = []
for line in rec.split("\n"):
x.append(re.sub("^([^:]+):", "\g<0> ", line))
return "\n".join(x)
def record(domain, record):
## Records are as follows: [ domain, registrant, registrant's address
registrar, type, registered, renewal, updated name servers ]
details = ['','','','','','','','','']
for k, v in record.items():
details[0] = domain.lower()
result = {
"registrant": lambda: 1,
"registrant name": lambda: 1,
"registrant type": lambda: 4,
"registrant's address": lambda: 2,
"registrant address1": lambda: 2,
"registrar": lambda: 3,
"sponsoring registrar": lambda: 3,
"registered on": lambda: 5,
"registered": lambda: 5,
"domain registeration date": lambda: 5,
"renewal date": lambda: 6,
"last updated": lambda: 7,
"domain last updated date": lambda: 7,
"name servers": lambda: 8,
"name server": lambda: 8,
"nameservers": lambda: 8,
"updated date": lambda: 7,
"creation date": lambda: 5,
"expiration date": lambda: 6,
"domain expiration date": lambda: 6,
"administrative contact": lambda: 2
if v != '':
details[result] = v
## Loop through domains
for domain in src:
domain = domain.strip()
if domain == '':
rec = subprocess.Popen(["whois",domain],
if rec.startswith("No whois server") == True:
if rec.startswith("This TLD has no whois server") == True:
rec = trim(rec)
if domain.endswith(".net"):
rec = clean_net(rec)
if domain.endswith(".com"):
rec = clean_net(rec)
if domain.endswith(".tv"):
rec = clean_net(rec)
if domain.endswith(""):
rec = clean_co_uk(rec)
if domain.endswith(".info"):
rec = clean_info(rec)
rec = clean(rec)
details = {}
for line in rec.split("\n"):
bits = line.split(': ')
a = bits.pop(0)
b = bits.pop(0)
details[a.strip()] = b.strip().replace("\t", ", ")
record(domain, details)
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