Disable resize button

myonov at gmail.com myonov at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 07:38:50 EDT 2008


I need to disable resize button in Tkinter.
I inherit the Frame class. Then in the constructor i make my buttons,
labels, etc. Then I pack them and when move borders of the frame
everything changes it's location and it looks really bad. How can I
change that?
That's my code:
# -*- coding: cp1251 -*-
import Tkinter

class App(Tkinter.Frame):
    def click(self):

    def click2(self):

    def __init__(self, master=None):
        Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master, width = 700, height =
                               bg = "#999999")

#       Buttons

        self.b1 = Tkinter.Button(self, text = u"Добави Книга",\
                                 command=self.click, font = "Courier",
                                 fg = "red")
        self.b2 = Tkinter.Button(self, text = u"Добави читател",\
                                 command=self.click2, font = "Courier",
                                 fg = "red")
        self.b1.place(relx = 0.75, rely = 0.3)
        self.b2.place(relx = 0.75, rely = 0.4)

#       Labels

        self.l1 = Tkinter.Label(self, font = "Courier", height = 4,\
                                text = u"Информация", fg = "#ffffff",\
                                bg = "#999999")
        self.l1.place(x = 275, y = 10)

#       Text Control
#        self.txt = Tkinter.Text(self, bg = "#124456", )
#        self.txt.pack()

def main():
    app = App()

if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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