Breaking the barrier of a broken paradigm... part 1
john s.
john.jython at
Mon Mar 24 21:15:17 EDT 2008
Hi Everyone,
I hope not to offend you with too many question.. I've been lurking a
long time. I'm not keen on keeping e-mails or data stored in the
public space so this is my first post to the group.
That being said, I'm keen on refining my skills, I hope that I can
prove that I've move on beyond the: check the tut, read the faq..
Now as it's out of the way I hope that my questions can be sited as
examples for others breaking the procedural barrier.
I've seen examples using reduce, map and lamba that cause me to emit a
internal "WTFIZDISHI?"
With out any further adiou... IsMyKodeHotOrNot.... and how can I
improve it... hopefully it will help me with part two...
I'm sure anyone with 2 mins and solid skill of python can ballpark
this one...
#/usr/bin/enviro python
#Purpose - a dropped in useracct/pass file is on a new server to build
a cluster... Alas there are no home #directories.. Let me rip through
the passfile, grab the correct field (or build it) and use it to make
the directory!
import os, sys, string, copy, getopt, linecache
from traceback import format_exception
#The file we read in...
fileHandle = "/etc/passwd"
srcFile = open(fileHandle,'r')
srcList = srcFile.readlines()
#yah, a for loop that "iterates" through the file of "lines"
for i in srcList:
strUsr = string.split(i,":")
theUsr = strUsr[0]
usrHome = "/expirt/home/",theUsr,"/"
usrHome = ''.join(usrHome)
print "printing usrHome:",usrHome
print "is it a dir?: ", os.path.isdir(usrHome)
# try to test if it's a dir... for some reason this mis-behaves...
maybe I'm not thinking about it correctly..
if os.path.isdir(usrHome) != 'False':
print "User Home dir doesn't exist creating."
os.makedirs('usrHome' )
except Exception, e:
print e
print "usrHome is: ",usrHome
print "theUsr is: ",theUsr
os.system('/usr/bin/chmod 750 ' + usrHome)
os.system('/usr/bin/chown ' + theUsr + ' ' + usrHome)
#OMG, there is directory that happens to already exist! well, due
diligence and love for the queen dictates we #provide "due
dilligence", (e.g. wipe our asses properly)
print "User Home dir exist, checking and fixing permissions."
print "usrHome is: ",usrHome
print "theUsr is: ",theUsr
os.system('/usr/bin/chmod 750 ' + usrHome)
os.system('/usr/bin/chown ' + theUsr + ' ' + usrHome)
#I know that I can't optimize the line below further... or... can I?
sys.exit("Thanks for using pyDirFixr...")
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