Problem with the strip string method
Colin J. Williams
fn681 at
Sun Mar 2 11:37:15 EST 2008
The Library Reference has
strip( [chars])
Return a copy of the string with the
leading and trailing characters removed.
The chars argument is a string
specifying the set of characters to be
removed. If omitted or None, the chars
argument defaults to removing
whitespace. The chars argument is not a
prefix or suffix; rather, all
combinations of its values are stripped:
>>> ' spacious '.strip()
>>> ''.strip('cmowz.')
Only the last two examples below behave
as expected.
Is it intended that the full range of
characters be handled?
Colin W.
[Dbg]>>> 'ab$%\n\rcd'.strip('%')
[Dbg]>>> 'ab$%cd'.strip('$')
[Dbg]>>> 'ab$%cd'.strip('$')
[Dbg]>>> ' ab$%cd '.strip('$')
' ab$%cd '
[Dbg]>>> ' ab$%cd '.strip('%')
' ab$%cd '
[Dbg]>>> ' spacious '.strip()
[Dbg]>>> ''.strip('cmowz.')
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