wxPython graphics query (newbie)
Thomas G
stuff at greenery.me.uk
Mon Mar 17 08:03:08 EDT 2008
I am exploring wxPython and would be grateful for some help.
It is important to me to be able to slide words and shapes around by
dragging them from place to place. I don't mean dragging them into a
different window, which is what 'Drag and Drop' has come to mean, just
moving them around within a canvas-like space.
This is easy using Tkinter. Can anybody offer me a tiny, very simple
example of how it would be done in wxPython, please?
To make sure I convey what I'm looking for, here is what it looks like
using Tkinter, written very simply. What I'm looking for is the same,
quite simple functionality expressed in wxPython, again written very
simply so that I can easily understand it.
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
global canv
def makeFrame(root):
global canv
canv = Canvas (root, height = 200, width = 350)
canv.create_text(100, 100, text='drag me', tags=('movable'))
canv.tag_bind('movable', '<B1-Motion>', slide) #B1-motion is a drag
with left button down
def slide (event):
triggered when something is dragged on the canvas - move thing under
mouse ('current') to new position
newx = event.x
newy = event.y
canv.coords('current', newx, newy)
Many thanks in advance
-- Thomas Green
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