Can one get "for x in y" to work for non builtin classes?

Preben Randhol randhol+valid_for_reply_from_news at
Sun Mar 2 09:06:17 EST 2008


I'm making a kind of ordered dictionary class. It is not exactly a
dictionary, but it uses a list and dictionary to store the data. 

Something like:

	class dbase(list):
	'''Database class keeping track of the order and data'''

	def __init__(self):
		self.__data = {}
		self.__order = []
		self.__uniq_id = 0

I'm just wondering if it is possible to get my class to work so that if
one do:

one can do like this to iterate over the data.

	for x in d:

I'm looking at the list class but I don't quite understand from pydoc
which __ __ methods I have to implement to get the above to work.

Thanks in advance


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