Last Call for Papers for PyCon Italia Due
Nicola Larosa
nico-NoSp at
Thu Mar 27 17:55:51 EDT 2008
Only five days left to propose a paper to PyCon Italia Due
<>, the second Italian Python conference.
Also, booking is now open.
Here are the next deadlines:
Start of Early booking: March 25
End of Call for papers: April 1
Start of Late booking: April 23
End of booking: May 3
For a short while we are still accepting papers for PyCon Italia Due,
the second edition of the Italian Python conference. This year the
conference will be held from May 9th to 11th in Florence, Italy.
The first day of the conference (9th May) will start at Palazzo Vecchio
in the afternoon with an opening keynote by Richard Stallman. The next days
the conference will instead be at the Viva Hotel Laurus near the Duomo.
Call for papers <>
The conference is structured on three parallel tracks: Discovering
Python, Spreading Python and Learning Python.
* Discovering Python will primarily focus on introductory topics
about Python libraries, framework and technologies;
* Spreading Python will focus both on advanced technical topics and
parallel arguments like development methodologies, real-world use
cases and management techniques;
* Learning Python will feature a continuous interaction between the
speaker and the audience: the speaker will propose a topic and
introduce a possible solution, then the talk will dynamically
evolve, naturally following questions and notes from the audience.
Talks could focus on the following topics (the list is neither exclusive
nor exaustive):
* large and/or distributed applications written in Python;
* scientific and computationally intensive applications;
* interaction with other languages/environments, RPC, services;
* web programming and frameworks;
* desktop programming and GUI toolkits;
* Python as "scripting" language (system housekeeping, COM, etc...);
* Python and databases;
* Python as an educational language.
Talks will be screened on contents, relevance for Python community and
overall quality.
Each talk will have one of the following duration: 30', 60' or 90'. Please
specify which length best fits your contents. This timeframe also includes
question time, and enough leeway for the audience to enter and leave the
The talk must be given in either English or Italian language. For native
English speaker, please consider that you will probably need to speak a
little slower than usual, for better comprehension by the audience, so
the talk may come out longer than you expect. See also the note at the
end of this paper.
How to submit a paper
Your talk proposal must be submitted online through Assopy[1]. You will
need to enter some biographic notes about the speaker, and an abstract
of the talk (a couple of paragraphs).
If your talk is accepted
Once your talk proposal is approved, you have to submit your paper
before the conference opening day.
Each paper must be original work. We cannot accept papers containing
material copyrighted by others.
Papers should be in plain text, HTML (single page please), PostScript or
PDF. Please use a standard format, viewable and printable on all major
The files must be submitted within Assopy[1].
A note for non-Italian speakers
We warmly welcome and encourage the presence of non-Italian speakers
at PyCon Italia. However, most talks will be in Italian language.
We will probably provide Italian-to-English realtime translation for our
guests, and also English-to-Italian realtime translation for that part of
the audience which is not much familiar with English.
[1]: <>
Nicola Larosa -
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