Creating a python c-module: passing double arrays to c functions. segmentation fault. swig

sturlamolden sturlamolden at
Sun Mar 30 16:56:53 EDT 2008

On 30 Mar, 22:21, kmg... at wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm building a python module to do some heavy computation in C (for
> dynamic time warp distance computation).

Why don't you just ctypes and NumPy arrays instead?

# double timewarp(double x[], int lenx, double y[], int leny);

import numpy
import ctypes
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
from ctypes import c_int

_timewarp = ctypes.cdll.timewarp.timewarp  # timewarp.dll
array_pointer_t = ndpointer(dtype=double)
_timewarp.argtypes = [array_pointer_t, c_int, array_pointer_t, c_int]

def timewarp(x, y):
   lenx, leny = x.shape[0], y.shape[0]
   return _timewarp(x, lenx, y, leny)

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