parralel downloads
castironpi at
castironpi at
Sun Mar 9 20:48:03 EDT 2008
> > That's it. Far easier than threads.
I'll order a 'easyness' metric from the warehouse. Of course,
resources are parameters to the metric, such as facility given lots of
time, facility given lots of libraries, facility given hot shots, &c.
> Easier? If you omit all the relevant details, yes, looks easy. For
> def downloadfile(url, fn):
> s = create socket for url
> f = open filename for writing
> shutil.copyfileobj(s.makefile(), f)
> for each url, filename to retrieve:
[ threadlist.addandstart( threading.Thread(target=downloadfile,
args=(url,filename)) ) ]
[ threadlist.joineach() ]
> Of course, don't try to download a million files at the same time -
> neither a million sockets nor a million threads would work.
Dammit! Then what's my million-core machine for? If architectures
"have reached the point of diminishing returns" ( off py.ideas ), then
what's the PoDR for numbers of threads per core?
Answer: One. Just write data structures and don't swap context. But
when do you want it by? What is the PoDR for amount of effort per
clock cycle saved? Get a Frank and a Brit and ask them what language
is easiest to speak.
(Answer: Math. Har *plonk*.)
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