comtypes question
Jorgen Bodde
jorgen.maillist at
Mon Mar 17 08:21:50 EDT 2008
Hi Thomas,
Thank you a lot for going through great lenghts to help me. I am
relatively new to COM and to python, so using those two together is
sometimes watching water burn and be totally amazed by it ;-)
It's greatly aprpeciated that you installed the app and even checked
out the typelib to see what might go wrong. I will investigate furter
and look at your working example to see what I was missing in my code.
I will also subscribe to the comtypes-users mailinglist for future questions.
ps. For background info about Bartender, it is a label application and
it can be automated by COM. By sending an XML script to it, I can set
the variables for that label and issue a print command.
With kind regards,
- Jorgen
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Thomas Heller <theller at> wrote:
> Jorgen Bodde schrieb:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am trying to automate a 3rd party application, and all I have to
> > work on is the type library and some documentation. I hope a Python /
> > COM guru can answer this or put me on the right path because I don't
> > know why it does not work.
> >
> > First I imported the typelib with comtypes like;
> >
> >>> from comtypes.client import GetModule
> >>> GetModule("C:\\Program Files\\Seagull\\BarTender\\8.0\\bartend.exe")
> >
> > Which blurbs out a lot of text:
> >
> > # Generating comtypes.gen._D58562C1_E51B_11CF_8941_00A024A9083F_0_8_1
> > # Generating comtypes.gen.BarTender
> > <module 'comtypes.gen.BarTender' from
> > 'C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen\_D58562C1_E51B_11CF_8941_00A024A9083F_0_8_1.pyc'>
> >
> > Which seems to be ok. Now, I need to call a function on the
> > Application object on which I need a "Messages" instance. The
> > Application object gets created properly:
> >
> >>> import comtypes.gen.Bartender as bt
> >>> app = comtypes.client.CreateObject(bt.Application)
> >
> > Which gives me the application (the bt.Application points to a wrapper
> > class containing the CLSID of the COM class to be instantiated).
> >
> > Now I browse the typelibrary and I see there is a CoClass called
> > Messages. I need one of those to pass as an argument, and since
> > Messages is listed as a CoClass similar to Application, I assume it
> > can also be instantiated. But when I try this I get an error:
> >
> >>>> msgs = cc.CreateObject('{2B52174E-AAA4-443D-945F-568F60610F55}')
> [...]
> > WindowsError: [Errno -2147221164] Class not registered
> >
> > Both Application and Messages are listed as CoClass inside the
> > typelibrary. Does anybody know why it gives me this error and what I
> > am doing wrong?
> Not all coclasses can be created from scratch with CreateObject. Sometimes
> they are created by calls to methods on some other object.
> I downloaded the bartender trial, and looking into the typelib it seems that,
> for example, the 'XMLScript' method on the IBtApplication interface returns
> Messages instances:
> COMMETHOD([dispid(17), helpstring(u'Runs xml scripts')], HRESULT, 'XMLScript',
> ( ['in'], BSTR, 'XMLScript' ),
> ( ['in'], BtXMLSourceType, 'SourceType' ),
> ( ['out'], POINTER(POINTER(Messages)), 'Messages' ),
> ^^^^^^^^
> ( ['retval', 'out'], POINTER(BSTR), 'retval' )),
> Here is an interactive session:
> Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> from comtypes.gen import BarTender
> >>> from comtypes.client import CreateObject
> >>> app = CreateObject(BarTender.Application)
> >>> print app
> <POINTER(IBtApplication) ptr=0x277074 at 11f0a30>
> >>> app.XMLScript("foo", 0)
> (<POINTER(IBtMessages) ptr=0x27b354 at 125bb70>, u'')
> >>> msg, retval = app.XMLScript("foo", 0)
> >>> print msg
> <POINTER(IBtMessages) ptr=0x275a54 at 125bc10>
> >>> msg[0]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> File "comtypes\", line 308, in __getitem__
> result = self.Item(index)
> _ctypes.COMError: (-2147220992, None, (u'The item at position 0 was not found.', u'bartend', None, 0, None))
> >>> msg[1]
> <POINTER(IBtMessage) ptr=0x276ffc at 125bc60>
> >>> m = msg[1]
> >>> print m
> <POINTER(IBtMessage) ptr=0x276ffc at 125bcb0>
> >>> m.Number
> 3908
> >>> m.Message
> u"An error occurred during XML script processing:\r\n\r\nInvalid at the top level of the document.\r\nLine 1, Column 1:
> 'foo'"
> >>> ^Z
> Not that the above makes much sense, but I hope it will get you started.
> Thomas
> BTW: The 'official' comtypes mailing list is at
> Requires that you subscribe before you can
> post, but you could disable mail delivery and use via gmane: gmane.comp.python.comtypes.user
> --
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