function-class frustration
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Sat Mar 22 15:51:05 EDT 2008
En Sat, 22 Mar 2008 07:07:18 -0300, John Machin <sjmachin at>
> On Mar 22, 7:19 pm, castiro... at wrote:
>> On the other hand, are you willing to make changes to the console?
>> How big and what? I was thinking of __ to keep the second-to-last
>> most recent command.
> Access to and editing of previous input lines is already provided by
> the cooked mode of the console (e.g. on Windows, lean on the up-arrow
> key) or can be obtained by installing the readline package. Perhaps by
> analogy with _, you mean the *result* of the penultimate *expression*.
> This functionality would be provided by the Python interactive
> interpreter but it's not ... do have a look at IPython (http://
There is no need to change the interpreter, one can use sys.displayhook to
achieve that.
Create or add the following to your module:
import sys
import __builtin__ as builtin
def displayhook(value):
if value is not None:
sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % value)
builtin._ = value
if not hasattr(builtin, '__'):
__ = builtin.__ = displaylist()
__ = builtin.__
sys.displayhook = displayhook
class displaylist(list):
"""List of expressions kept by displayhook.
It has a maximum size and a custom display, enumerating lines.
Lines are trimmed at the middle to fit the maximum width"""
maxlen = 20
maxwidth = 80-1-4
def __str__(self):
def genlines(self):
for i, value in enumerate(self):
s = str(value)
if len(s) > self.maxwidth:
p = (self.maxwidth - 3) // 2
s = s[:p] + '...' + s[-(self.maxwidth - p - 3):]
yield '%2d: %s' % (i, s)
return '\n'.join(genlines(self))
def append(self, value):
# don't keep duplicates
# obey the maximum size
if value is self:
if value in self:
if len(self) > self.maxlen - 1:
del self[:-self.maxlen - 1]
list.append(self, value)
py> 24*60*60*365
py> "hello world".split()
['hello', 'world']
py> help
Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.
py> quit
Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
py> __
0: 31536000
1: ['hello', 'world']
2: Type help() for interactiv...ct) for help about object.
3: Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
py> __[1]
['hello', 'world']
py> __[0] // 3
py> __
0: 31536000
1: Type help() for interactiv...ct) for help about object.
2: Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
3: ['hello', 'world']
4: 10512000
Gabriel Genellina
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